Being Submissive From the Start and the Difficulties

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As a submissive guy, one thing I look for in a potential dominant woman is dominance. Modern society tells us that the man is supposed to be the dominant person in dating. We are the ones who are supposed to make the first move, buy the drinks, and ask out the women. Even many dominant women expect a potential submissive to do this thing.

I have learned to go against my submissive nature and nervously make the first move on occasion. What I have found is that when I do that, the relationship never goes well even if the woman is dominant after that initial encounter.

Thanks to my Submissive Nature, a great deal of success with dominant women!



Conversely, I have had a deal of success with dominant women who were dominant from the start. There was one evening when I was out at a local bar on lady’s night and was just sitting in the corner, drinking my drink, and reading a good book. A woman came over to me and took the book right out of my hand and informed me that a bar on lady’s night is not the place for reading. She then sat down across from me and demanded that I look her in the eyes and explain myself. We ended up going back to her place and had a great time.

She was able to sense my submissive nature and exploit it with her dominance. I asked her about this since I couldn’t imagine her technique would be successful with most guys. She told me that some of the signs of a submissive in public are loners who are out in social settings like bars and clubs. Nerdy guys also tend to be receptive to her approach. She had noticed that I was reading a book in the corner of a busy bar and decided to make her move. I was glad she did. It was a huge turn-on for me and for her as well. She told me later that a lot of guys are intimidated by her confidence and forwardness. She too discovered that the best female-led relationships are the ones where females lead from the start.

Find your Slave


My Femdom Devotional and Journey into Submission Part 2

The Business Trip that LED to my Mistress Catherine


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