A Woman’s Place is in Femdom Control

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Now I had him exactly where I wanted him, naked and tied to my bed, at my mercy. Total Femdom Control.

I leaned over, tightening one of the knots, checking to make sure he couldn’t wiggle out of them. It wasn’t done to have your pet escape before you were done playing.

Once I was sure he was as secure as possible I stepped back, smiling to myself as his eyes tracked my every move. I had refused to remove my clothes while he was free to move. I wasn’t going to let him touch me without my say so.

I slowly began to strip out of my clothes. I slowly slid my hands down to the hem of my top, playing my fingers down my sides before gripping the bottom and lifting it over my head, throwing it aside. My jeans went next, unzipping before slowly simmering them over my hips, letting them drop to the floor, I stepped out of them, kicking them aside. Standing in nothing but my bra and little thong panties.

I had been thinking about this all day, planning what I was going to do to him, the thoughts running through my head getting me hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter as the plan formed in my mind.

I sat down beside him, ready to show him just how hot he made me. I toyed with my nipples through the thin lace of my bra, knowing he could see just how erect they had become. I pulled on them, giving them a gentle pinch.

I ran my fingertips down my stomach and down to my pantie covered mound.

 Femdom Control


I played my fingers around, my breath hitching in my throat at the spike of pleasure that just that small touch provoked. I couldn’t wait. I was so turned on, so horny that I could already feel an orgasm building.

I looked at him, watching the way he licked his lips as his eyes followed my every movement. He opened his mouth like he was about to talk but I silenced him with a look. He wasn’t allowed to talk without my say so. But that gave me an idea.

I ran my fingers up and down my pussy, feeling my juices soak through the material of my underwear. I pushed at my entrance, my fingers tenting the material, pushing inside. The sensation was so different, but a good different, the material soaking up all my wetness, the texture scraping at my inner walls as I began to thrust my fingers in and out, forcing the thongs crotch deeper, the string sides cutting into my flesh, but that just added even more sensation to the experience.

The material had slid down so far that most of my upper mound was exposed to his eyes, leaving my clothes free to play. I circled my thumb against the hard little bud. A jolt of pleasure made me gasp, feeling so good that I did it again, rubbing with my thumb as I curled my fingers up inside my pussy, finding that spot inside that felt so good.

I knew I wouldn’t last long, the combination of my fingers stroking and curling inside and my thumb working my clit. Soon I was panting, feeling the orgasm swell and grown inside. I glanced down at his crotch, very happy to see his cock swollen to full attention, weeping from the tip. He was enjoying it as much as I was.

I relaxed back against the bed, stretched out along his side, letting my body take over. The waves of orgasm flowed through me, my limbs shivering, muscles twitching and shaking as my fingers played, bringing me to my peak, screaming with pleasure so intense I almost forgot to breathe. I panted my way through, finally catching my breath as my fingers stilled. I turned my head, eyeing up that gorgeous cock ready and waiting for me, begging to be ridden.

I distantly register mumbled words from my new pet. This wouldn’t do. Standing on slightly weak legs, I pulled down my thong, moaning softly as the wet material slid out of my soaked pussy. Without really thinking I balled the underwear up in my palm and leaning over as if I wanted a kiss, I stuffed them into his willing mouth, knowing that he would taste my orgasm.

I quickly straddled his waist, knees either side of his hips. I gripped his cock with one hand, holding it firm as I teased us both, gliding his tip up and down my wet slit, circling it against my clit, knowing just how good it would feel when I finally sank down, taking him deep inside. I played for another minute before giving in to the temptation. I gave his shaft a few long strokes from root to tip before positioning the head at my entrance and lowering myself hard and fast.

We both gasped, his muffled by the improvised gag. I didn’t wait for my body to expand to accommodate his girth, I was too greedy for that, loving the feel of being stretched full. Using my legs I lifted up, slamming back down, moaning at just how good it felt. I kept the pace slow, thinking only of my own pleasure though I was pretty sure he was enjoying it just as much.

Femdom Control

Slow and deep I rode him, lifting and lowering, grinding my clit against his pelvis with each thrust. I could hear his breathing change, growing shorter, feeling his hips begin to lift with me, trying to quicken the pace. We’ll if that was how he wanted it, if he wanted to take his pleasure now then he would Damn well make it up to me after.

Taking pity on him, he really had been quite well behaved. I reached behind, cupping his sac in my hand, feeling his balls drawn up close and tight, heavy and ready to explode. I gave them a little squeeze, rolling them between my fingers as I lifted up a little, hovering a little way above him, letting him take over, dictating the pace. He fucked me hard and fast. I gave his balls a gentle tug and heard his relieved groan, feeling his cock pulse as he emptied inside me.

He collapsed back against the bed, sweating with the effort, arms and legs straining against the ties holding him in place. I lifted off of him, removing the panties from his mouth. I’m sure he thought that I would be releasing him soon, that when I moved up his body I was going to kiss him, but no. I had made a promise that if he took his pleasure first he would have to finish me next. And I had decided that I wanted his tongue.

I crawled my way up to his body, straddling his head, knees against his shoulders, I held on to the headboard as I lowered my pussy to his mouth, demanding that he make me cum.

I shivered, moaning softly as his tongue swept over my sensitive flesh. I felt his seed beginning to leak out as my inner muscles contracted with pleasure, he would be getting a mouthful but I didn’t care.

I ground myself down, riding his face, rubbing the tip of his nose against my clit as his tongue fucked at my hole, lapping at his own cum.

I squeezed his head gently with my thighs, letting him know that I needed more. I could feel my orgasm building deep inside and I was desperate to cum, needing that release. His tongue danced, swirling over my clit in a few fast circles before lapping up and down, hard and fast. Yes, that was perfect, exactly what I needed. I moaned my encouragement, rocking against his tongue.

His lips closed over my clit, suckling it into his mouth, his tongue flickering against it, his rhythmic sucking pulling me over the edge.

My body began to shake as the pleasure rolled through me in waves. I gasped out his name, rocking my hips as I followed the movements of his tongue, my thighs clamped tight around his ears, making sure he didn’t stop until I told him to.

Finally, it began to fade and I released my death grip on his head, letting his tongue slow to a soothing stroke, easing me down. I swung my leg back over and knelt next to him, reaching over to release first his arms, then his legs, giving him a saucy wink. Well, I had certainly enjoyed myself.

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by WillowSalix


Trained As Her Fuck Toy (2)

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