Femdom Take-over (2)

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Time to plant some of my ideas into his brain.

My first task was to make him addicted to the smell and taste of the juices from my count.  I put my left hand up under my skirt and let my fingers up in my already wet vagina.  It felt good so I let my fingers play for some time before I pulled my hand back up again.

While my fingers were still wet I moved them up around Matt’s face and started to gently spread them over his lips and under his nose.  At first, he didn’t even react. But then I could hear his breathing, and soon his body could not resist reacting to being aroused.  It made me so happy to see Matt in this position.  I kept going for good 20 minutes to make sure he was completely entranced.  When I believed it was safe to stop, I started to slow down and move my fingers away.  Matt’s body reacted immediately to bring my fingers back.  I gave him some additional touches but then I abruptly pulled my hands away.

  • “Matt, I said.  How was that feeling?”


  • “Great, but why did you stop?”


  • “So you like it.  I tell you what, I like it too.”


  • “Don’t stop then.”


  • “Oh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize I did.  So you want more?”


  • “Yes, please.”


  • “OK, I will give you more.  Just remember this smell and taste,  Isn’t it good?”


  • “Fantastic.”


  • “It is.  What if told you that could get this every day for the rest of your life?  Would you like that?”


  • “Oh yes.  I would love that.”


  • “I can help you with that.  But first, tell me how badly you really want it.  You see, I can make this happen, but as easily I can deny it as well.”


  • “I want this.  I do want it bad.  Please, don’t take it away.”


  • ” Wow, so you really want it. Do you crave it?  Maybe you are addicted to it?  Is that so, Matt?”


  • “Yes!  I’m totally addicted.  I don’t want you to stop.  Please don’t stop.”


Time to ask him intimate and oriented questions



I kept going for a minute or so before I very gradually slowed down and eventually came to a stop.  I could see how Matt was moving around to try to find my magic fingers. Then, I continued to massage his neck but kept my hands and fingers away from his face.  As I gradually stopped my massage, I could see that Matt was regaining his normal state of mind. And then almost as a flick of a switch, Matt looked up at me.

  • “What happened?”


  • “Oh, don’t worry, I think you just feel into a deeply relaxed state.   Are you awake now?  You have to believe, I did not try to hypnotize you.  As a matter of fact, I neither believe in that nor do I have the skill to do so.  Do you want me to continue working on your neck?”


  • “Yes, I’m fully awake.  But it felt like I was dreaming, but I can’t remember.  I had such a wonderful experience.  I do recall this delicious taste and smell, but I cannot put my finger on what it was.  Can we just take a short break before you start?”


  • “Sure, no problem.  Let’s change the subject.  By the way, what are your plans for the weekend?  Do you have anything exciting going on?”


  • “No, not really.  Probably just staying home to decompress, relax, and get ready for next week.”


  • “That’s a shame.  A young, successful, and incredibly handsome man like you should be living a high life.”


  • “Well, once I’m away from here, I’m really a much more modest and quiet person.  I enjoy not being the one that makes the decision all the time if you know what I mean.”


  • “Sure, like now right?  You just lay back and let me do the work.”


  • “That is very nice.  But the best thing is not the fact that you do the work and I relax.  I’m not afraid of making an effort and help out.  I know this may sound strange, but, it is such a fantastic and liberating sensation to let someone take charge of everything.”


  • “So you say that you actually prefer not to be the one in control.”


  • “Yes, isn’t it strange?  I sometimes have fantasies of losing my power entirely, and being completely in the hands of another person.”


  • “Interesting, I said.  But inside I already knew this.  I was happy that Matt come so far already.  It shouldn’t take too much to push him over the edge.”


  • “So is there someone in your life?  Someone, you see?”


  • “No, it’s not even that I don’t try.  I just can’t find any girl that even looks interesting.  I’m not sure if I’m too picky, or what?”


  • “Oh, no.  You should not settle for second best.”


  • “I just can’t get comfortable when I’m alone with a woman if you know what I mean.”


  • “Sure, but women can be pretty strange, too.”


  • “Yeah, but when I’m with you I am so at ease.  I just don’t understand it.”


  • “Well.  I’m here for you.  And I’m glad you feel OK.  Especially, since that’s my objective.”


  • “Marie, can I ask you a personal question?”


  • “Absolutely.  Go ahead.”


  • “You always say so many sweet things about me.  And you always make me feel so special.  How do you think I look?  Am I ordinary looking, better or worse?”


  • “Neither, I quickly responded.”


  • “What do you mean?”


  • “Matt, you are a catch.  If we weren’t working together, I would hit on you.”


  • “But, but, I never knew that.”


  • “Well. like you I have never been able to accept just basics.”


  • “So how do you find the special then?”


  • “Well, it’s difficult.  Once you find someone you believe can be that special, you need to be very patient but also persistent.”


  • “So have you ever found anyone?”


  • “Yes.  There are always potential candidates, but I have so many criteria I need to meet before I am sure.  And in the end, they always find a way to disappoint me.”


  • “Criteria.  So you are very selective then?:


  • “Yes, I am.  There are basic criteria such as appearance, character, and life situation.  But then there are deeper levels where I am looking for certain compatibility.”


  • “So what would be a good match for you?”


  • “Well, it would is very important to me that the person is totally comfortable in my presence.  Someone that would trust me completely.  For example, how do you feel when I’m around?”


  • Oh, you always make me feel very nice and comfortable.


  • “How about when I give you your massage?  When do you feel my hands on your body?”


  • “Wonderful.  I get this tingling feeling all inside of me.  I can feel my body getting excited.  I know it supposes to relax me, but instead, your hands touching me, makes me more excited.”


  • “Well, how do you feel right now then?”

I used my left hand to slowly move up around Matt’s neck. My other hand moved over his ear and through his hair.

  • “Oh, Marie.”


  • “You didn’t answer me.  Do you want me to stop?”


  • “No-no.  Please continue.  I just can’t describe this feeling.  It’s that good.”


Time to ask about his real feelings for me

My hands and fingers continued to slowly work their magic.  Matt could not keep his body still anymore, and his breathing was getting much faster.  I repeated the teasing several times until I felt Matt’s hand grabbing around my wrist.

  • “Don’t stop!”


  • “What do you mean, I said.  I’m only here to give you a massage.  I think this is borderline what I can do.”


  • “Oh, for heaven’s sake.  Forget the fuckin’ rules for once!”


  • “Yes, but I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with taking advantage of you.  Since I am working for you, I’m not sure if it is right.”


  • “Come on, Marie.  I need this.”


  • “I just don’t know.  You have heard my point of view, but I still haven’t heard you say anything about me.”


  • “About you.  You are so beautiful and sexy, so I could never understand how you could keep the guys around you.”


  • “But, what are your feelings for me?”


  • “Until today, I cannot say I was sure.  I certainly was confused.  I have always admired your figure, your face, and the way you dress.  I’ve been looking forward to every one of our sessions, and I rearrange my entire schedule just so I wouldn’t miss one.”


  • “So you like me and appreciate me.  I guess I already knew that.  And if that’s all, I think we stop our session here.”


  • “What.  No-no.”


  • “Please explain then, if you like to proceed.  You see, I can’t be doing this unless I was sure you had strong feelings for me, and that you could commit yourself to me.”


  • “I do have strong feelings for you.  I have always been very attracted to you, but I have forced it back because of the workplace.  I’m so confused.  I have never been with a woman like you before.”


  • “Maybe that’s your problem.”


  • “Maybe it is.”


  • “So if you like me, maybe even attractive to me.  Is that all?”


  • “No, I just now realize that you are so much more.”


  • “What do you mean?  I need to know exactly how you feel before I can continue.  Say it out loud.”


  • “What do you mean?  I just start to figure this out.  What do you want me to say?”


  • “Convince me that you really want me.”


  • “I do, what more can I say?”


  • “Use your imagination, but more importantly, be sincere.”


  • “Marie, I really really want you.  Not just now, but going forward in my life.”


  • “Not too bad, but I think you can do better.  And I deserve much better.  Maybe I have to help you along.  Repeat after me, but only if this is what you really want:
    “I, Matt, am totally attracted to you.  There is nothing I would not do for you.”


Time to reveal to him that I am a Femdom woman

Matt got an empty look on his face.  I was wondering what he was thinking.  He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.  This happened again, and again, and on the fourth try, Matt finally spoke.

  • “I, Matt am totally attracted to you and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you”.


  • “Now, that was better.”

I stepped over and embraced him.  I leaned in some more and kissed him.  Our lips met, and soon our tongues were dancing together.  After a little while, I pulled back to catch some air.

  • “Wow, how about that?  Any regrets?”


  • “No, none whatsoever.”


  • “Great, I was hoping you would feel that.”


  • “So, where are we going from here?”


  • “Let’s sit back and I will give you some ideas.  You know, that from the first day I met you, Matt, I knew I had to have you.  When we bumped into each other by the elevator, it was like a strike of lightning.  The more I learned to know you, the more I couldn’t get you out of my mind.  And here we are.  It is almost too good to be true.  I never thought you would have any interest in a girl like me.  Now, I have over the last couple of weeks gotten to know you.  I learned something that probably intrigued me very much.  Something that drove me almost obsessed over the thought of being with you.”


  • “What?”


  • “Oh, nothing bad or really that strange.  But something I knew would make us a very good match.  You don’t know this about me, at least not yet.  But, I am a person that has a very strong personality and I like to be in charge.  You may not see me at work, but I assure you that outside this office I am a very dominating Femdom woman who controls most people around me.  For me to meet you, is a match made in heaven.”


  • “How is that?”


  • “Well, it so happens that deep down in your subconscious mind you have a very strong feeling about being submissive to femdom.  I think you discovered a small portion of this yourself as well. Anyway, during our sessions, I discovered some different, possibly unknown desires in you.  For each time I have been here, these desires have grown stronger, and I feel it is my responsibility to confront you with them today.  I believe that if I keep up with my massage therapy your inner thoughts may take over your personality, and your life.  Now in all honesty, that may be what you really want, but I just want to you understand what you would be entering, and make an informed and logical decision.”


  • “You make no sense at all.”


  • “What I’m trying to say is that you and I are made for each other.  I know perfectly who I am.  A beautiful femdom with a very strong appetite for sex and domination, preferably together.  I guess you start to realize who you are.  A handsome man that just found out that besides his strong sex drive, and also learning he is far more submissive than he ever thought possible.  You see, we are perfectly compatible.”


  • “I still don’t understand what you mean by I being submissive and you being a dominant femdom.  I’m your boss, not the other way around.”


  • “That’s true.  At least here at the office.  But outside the office, there is a whole new world.  I think you are ready to explore it.”


As we were talking I could see that my message started to sink in.


To be continued


Britain’s Got Submale Talent

The Unexpected Night With Dominant Maya


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