My Thoughts On Femdom Relationships

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Femdom Relationships And The Submissive Man

femdom relationshipsHello, my name is Megan and I’ve been in a femdom relationship for four years with my fiancé. I wanted to share with you my vision of femdom relationships and what I believe are a submissive man’s characteristic traits. I insist on using my name instead of being called Mistress because I want to separate my opinions from other dominant women in femdom relationships.

Ladies, after you discovered the wonderful world of BDSM Femdom by reading articles or watching videos, you probably wondered how you can make your man more submissive to you and want to explore the world of BDSM Femdom with you. Realistically, if he wasn’t submissive to you at the beginning of the relationship, more than likely he won’t be submissive to you now and will not be interested in exploring femdom relationships with you.

Is He Really Submissive To You?

There are several common female domination fantasies men have; for example, lusting after the powerful female executive in the office or fantasizing about being a sexual slave to a dominant woman. These common fantasies men have are not necessarily indicative of wanting to explore femdom relationships.

We all know of men who watch football games on the couch, ask to wait on hand and foot, and never do chores around the house. Do you think this type of man wants to be dominated by a woman? One night he may enjoy you taking control of him in the bedroom and from time to time you may enjoy being able to dominate him but at the end of the day, he will never be truly submissive to you. Being helpful and attentive to you is the basis of a femdom relationship.

A submissive man lives for you, his opinion no longer counts, or at least counts significantly less. His deepest fantasies will be about being dominated by a woman. I can assure you the mental pleasure a submissive man receives is different from a man that isn’t submissive. To him, it is about cerebral gratification which leads to sexual arousal.

Indistinguishable Traits Of A Submissive Man

However, there are character traits that submissive men have that are indicative of their unmentionable desires for a dominant woman. The most obvious are the following:

1) He is not the type to want sex regularly.
2) He may help you do chores or do all the chores around the house.
3) You see him staring at you when you wear sexy outfits.
4) He is very attentive to your health and body. He often asks you how you feel and offers to give you a massage.
5) He tells you several times a day how much he loves you.
6) He does not hesitate to give up what he is doing to be of service to you. For example, he will pick up your clothes from the dry cleaners during work hours or run a bath for you when you ask him to.
7) He is very polite, courteous, and respectful.
8) He gets an erection no matter how you are dressed.

Approach Him Of Your Desire To Be In A D/s Relationships

If your man has 4 of these characteristic traits, he’s a good candidate for femdom relationships. If he has all 8 character traits, don’t hesitate to dominate him. There are ways to introduce him to the femdom lifestyle if you want to have a D/s relationship with him.

Either tell him directly about your desire to be in a D/s relationship and if he really is a submissive man, he will be overjoyed to explore the idea of being in a D/s relationship with you. On the other hand, if he refuses, it will be nearly impossible to have him submit to you.

Also, you can surprise him with a sensual BDSM female domination session one night. After taking the initiative, you’ll find it easier to talk to him and establish the basics of a femdom relationship with him. You must have confidence in your abilities to approach him and not worry about being rejected.

Gradually Impose Your Female Dominance Over Him

In any case, you will never be able to impose your man’s submission to you. You cannot change him if he doesn’t want to be submissive in the relationship. If he is not responsive to your dominant ways, there is no need to discuss the subject further with him. In addition, if he is interested in femdom relationships, you will need to progress with this relationship little by little. The most common mistake a new mistress makes is expecting a man to become her submissive slave overnight and be upset with him when he isn’t.

It has to be gradual. Little by little, surprise him by asking him to do more service tasks. Be attentive to his mood too. If he is tired after a day of work or looks angry, do not ask him to do anything for you and allow him to relax. But keep on imposing your female dominance subtly. If he is in a good mood, this is a good time to exert your female dominance over him and ask him to do things for you. Little by little he will become addicted to you taking control of him.

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1 thought on “My Thoughts On Femdom Relationships”

  1. I recently read ‘Finding Love Through Female Domination’ by Renee Lane. The book is brilliant, crazy, intense, and a must have for anyone who is genuinely kinky. It’s like reading “Venus in Furs” but as told from Wanda’s perspective. However, if Masoch is a crop, Ms. Lane is a cane. The scenes with her and her sub, Butler, are the high points, and that rabbit hole just gets deeper and longer. Ms. Lane is a renegade, an outlaw, and this book isn’t for the rule-book waving scolds who endless chant a “Safe-Sane-Consensual” mantra; but it deserves to be read. It’s consensual, broadly but she is all over the boundary lines, and that’s what makes it a fine and fun read. Ms. Lane, has told a dark and little understood truth about who we are.”——– Buy the book for less than a fancy coffee on Amazon Books and sign up for updates about the movie being made of it. Ms Renee promises the movie will be as intense as the book. When you sign up for updates, watch for a confirmation email from Ms Lane’s producer. She won’t email you kinky updates unless she knows you really want them. Go to: The updates about the coming movie are kinky and fun.

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