A Submissive Man’s Destiny

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Discovering My Submissive Side

submissive manTo discover your submissive side is an extraordinary experience and usually due to chance. As a teenage man, you look at a photograph of a self-assured woman in a magazine and you notice she seems to gaze at you with confidence in her eyes. After, we begin to develop our curiosity for these kinds of pictures. We discover that being humiliated by a woman, getting spanked by her, and licking her feet makes our dicks hard and excites us terribly. The idea of being treated like a dog by a woman gives us an overwhelming sense of joy. What a submissive man loves most is feeling weak in the face of a woman’s power and female loving authority

What was only a fantasy quickly turns into a true obsession that takes over our entire life? We will not rest until we are transformed into a lap dog servicing our Mistress, who will make us obey her with a look or the snap of her fingers. We, submissive men, exist to serve and honor women. To pretend otherwise would simply be to deny our very nature. We must take charge of their household chores, lavish them with gifts, obey every order no matter how degrading.

Being a Real Submissive Man

The first piece of advice I would give to men who discover their desire to submit to women is to stop thinking that a simple hand job will relieve you of your desire of being a submissive man. Certainly, once a man ejaculates, his libido disappears momentarily and with it the desire to serve his mistress. Men who try to satisfy their masochistic impulses by going to prostitutes for a session are condemned to eternal frustration. A man only realizes his submissive nature within the framework of a slave contract to his Mistress!

What cowardice on submissive men’s part who think they can have all the advantages of submission without the inconveniences that come with it! In my opinion, they are not real subs, or rather they refuse to accept their true nature. With them, submission is only a momentary fantasy ready to disappear at any moment. These egoists refuse to belong to women but choose to belong to themselves. Thus, this contradicts what is deep inside of them. When one is a true submissive, it is not just for the session but for a man’s entire life.

Using A Chastity Cage

It is necessary for dominatrix/mistress/dominant woman to use a chastity cage on her submissive man. This maintains a man’s desire for submission and constantly reminds them of who they belong to. For what is submission but an unconditional, total gift of self, a renunciation of one’s own desire and dignity. There can be no doubt about his submission to his Goddess from the man seeking to satisfy his own desires. As soon as we enter Mistress’s house, we must lose all our selfishness to make us humble, faithful, docile.

Indeed, we are nothing more than the faithful servants of our lady. Without a chastity cage, we are perpetually led to wanting to masturbate and thus constantly drive away from the desire to be submissive, humble, and absolutely obedient to our queen. In doing so we refuse our own nature. Above all, we break the absolute duty of devotion to our queen. The chastity cage is a permanent reminder of our status as a submissive man. It is the best way for a submissive man to ensure absolute devotion to his Supreme Goddess.

Ladies, Find Yourself A Submissive Man

Ladies, be sure the men in your life only dream of serving you!  Have your submissive man do housework! Make all the decisions by yourself! Above all, enjoy the sexuality you will have with your man without conforming to the absurd sexual social norms of a traditional couple! Your submissive man will give you everything you need and you won’t have to give him anything! A relationship with a submissive man will bring you more happiness and pleasure than you ever thought possible! Your submissive man will do everything to fulfill all your fantasies and desires!!

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3 thoughts on “A Submissive Man’s Destiny”

  1. I have tried to find a dominatrix, but after spending $4,250 to nine different women, no one has met with me. There is always a come on. Texts about BDSM. Then, a request for money as a tribute, usually in the form of a gift card. And then more texts, more words about me being a slave. A naughty picture is sent and then, a request for more money. I am yet, as of today, to have ever met anyone in the BDSM community. I have apparently run into nine straight scammers in a row. How can that be ?

  2. Rope Trick

    I had much the same problem. The website I was on was full of fake Mistress’s. A guy on that site befriended me and taught me how to spot them. I know they want you to send them money before you meet them. My rule was I never sent them money. I said that I would give them money if I meet them in person. They never did. I got to know how they operate and sometimes I would play them along. I did meet a Mistress on that site and I serve her to this day. I do pay her a tribute every time I serve her. Very little in life is free. I plan on stop meeting with her sometime this year. The fact that I’m married and getting up in age are big factors. And with us living 50+ miles apart is a big factor also. I will say I had the time of my life being her bitch.

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