The Perfect Female Led Relationship: 20 Rules to Follow

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For the sake of simplicity, we will be referring to the slave as “it”.The perfect Female Led Relationship must be outlined from the beginning in order to have a healthy relationship.

Rule 1

The male must always use Her correct title. Mistress, Goddess, Your Majesty, it is a good idea to give it a few to use but also to forbid certain names also, like Princess as this implies that You have someone superior to You. It should be a title befitting unquestioned rule.

Rule 2

When naming Your slave use something that objectifies or humiliates it, confusing its gender is also fun. Mix them up – toy, thing, slave, pet, and bitch are some of my favorites.

Rule 3

The slave’s head should NEVER be above the center of his world – its Owners vagina.

Rule 4

Make it worship You ritually every morning and night, he should be made to orally service You at least once per day.

Rule 5

Develop a mantra to show it the power You have over it and have it repeat it back to You. ‘You belong to me, I own you, You are a …’ this can be used time and again throughout your Female Led Relationship.

Rule 6

Fuck with its mind as much as possible.

Rule 7

Repetition and consistency are two of the most important aspect to control. Never allow any misdemeanor to pass and enforce repetition of the mantras multiple times.

Rule 8

It should be kept naked or preferably in female clothing, to help expel any sense of worth or masculinity.

Rule 9

A collar and leash should be used. Even for short trips around the house and at bedtime. This should only ever be handled by the Owner. In a Female Led Relationship this will be a rather fun experience.

Rule 10

It should not be allowed on any furniture unless expressly told by its Owner. A blanket, a dog basket, or similar in the bedroom should suffice for sleeping and I would also advise the slave is leashed to the bed during this time.

Rule 11

The slave should always need to ask for permission to use the bathroom, this provides an excellent opportunity to deny it to the point where it urinates itself. Giving the ideal reason to punish it, after it has cleaned up of course.

Rule 12

All household tasks should of course be carried out by the slave. A predefined chores list should be assigned, this should be a tight schedule that must be strictly adhered to, if a task is not finished within the allotted time, punishment will be due. Playtime can also be scheduled for sissies, so they are made to play with their dollies while cleaning is unfinished. They can either beg permission to break the schedule or leave housework incomplete which is a nice opportunity to be evil.

Rule 13

After the breaking-in period, the slave must be kept in chastity at all times and never be allowed possession of the key. Again the Female Led relationship head should lock or unlock the cage when needed for cleaning or occasionally rewarding it reminding the pet at all times who is in control.

Rule 14

Tease your slave as much as possible. If you do this whenever it is in contact with you, after just a few weeks it will leak pre-cum at the sight or sound of you. Vibrating remote control toys and a mischievous attitude are excellent ways to do this.

Rule 15

Assign it tasks that are impossible to complete, this will help ensure it knows its worthlessness.

Rule 16

Try to extend the periods where it is kept in chastity each time. The longer it is aroused and denied for the more submissive it will become.

Rule 17

The most common form of intercourse should be with a dildo. Either regular or face mounted and these should be larger than his own cock.

Rule 18

Any ejaculation by the slave should be after some humiliating episode and ONLY if expressed permission has been granted. I would also recommend that most of these are ruined orgasms to limit pleasure. However full orgasms should still be very infrequently allowed as this aids motivation.

Rule 19

Any goo expelled by the slave should be consumed by it.

Rule 20

Any rule may be changed at any time by Her discretion. Her word is final.



These are our rules to help you live a perfect Female Led Relationship. We hope you enjoyed them and if you have any you would like to add please feel free!


Female Led Relationship

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9 thoughts on “The Perfect Female Led Relationship: 20 Rules to Follow”

  1. As a wanna-be slave (never been owned or collared yet), my opinion is to also include in the rules, a regularly scheduled spanking, whipping, or both at least 2-3 times a week or more (depending on Mistress’s preference), to always put the slave in its place, teaching it a lesson She is Always in control.

  2. I live under Her rules…& they’re very much like this…it’s not easy but it’s my destiny & I can’t imagine anything else

  3. My Goddess has imposed most of these already. She instructs me suggest adding an exercise routine to this list. I was flabby and lazy until she took control. I’m much healthier now and a better ornament when seen with Goddess. She sets the daily requirements and punishes me if I don’t meet Her goals.

  4. Complete fantasy list. Anyone in a REAL FLR will know that many of these fantasist rules are absolutely impractical. EG – always be lower than Her vagina- how would you ever effectively cook, clean, tend to Her needs crawling around on the floor??

    Let your slave pee before allowing it to go to the toilet? Your house is going to get VERY smelly!!

    Chastity for me is permanent. I don’t get out period, never mind for good behaviour. Orgasms can’t act as an incentive for me. Being caned for failures is my motivation to do well – secondary of course, to wanting to do my best for Her.

  5. Common Sense revisions to Rules ONE to TWENTY: Being in an over ten year wonderful relationship have a few suggestions.

    Rule One: Yes Mam, or Dear is more than acceptable and can can used in front of family and friends.
    Rule 3- Acceptable in PRIVATE but not in PUBLIC.
    Rule 4- Nobody wants SEX every day, this is mostly a young mans fantasy.
    Rule 5- Mantra’s a good idea in PRIVATE.
    Rule 6- Slave can be kept naked in private depending on the weather, cold is not good in winder, and many males do ;not feel comfortable or like dressing in women’s garments.
    Rule 10- Sleeping MUST be comfortable and supportive in order to prevent health problems.
    Rule 11- Controlling bladder functions can cause serious bladder problems, its just plain stupid.
    Rule 13- Chasity should be controlled for limited periods of time, but not over long periods of of time to negatively affect prostate health.
    Rule 17 – Makes the “Act of Love” totally artificial, intercourse mu;st be a combo of natural and if needed with the aid of sex toys,
    Rule 18- A powerful ejaculation mxed with domination and control and permission SHOULD NEVER BE RUINED!!!
    Rule 19- Both Mistress and Slave should allow themselves to completely enjoy their bound together without “goo” rules, seriously.
    Rule 20- Hopefully both people will be to spent to think of any other “rules’ besides wiping up and taking a restful nap…

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