New 2020 Slave Selection – Femdom Dating Coming soon!!!

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New Look! New Feel! New Website! New Chat!

Femdom dating


Coming May 2020! It’s almost here. Our totally rethought, redesigned and reenergized Femdom Dating app. We put a lot of time and consideration into our new design concept and would love to know what you think!


What’s The Process?

Applicants will be chosen by random lottery from the pool of people that applied. Connect to and send a message from the help center to apply.


Female Led Relationships

Sadistic Dominant Woman Killer Frost


3 thoughts on “New 2020 Slave Selection – Femdom Dating Coming soon!!!”

  1. Thanks for your work at creating slave-selection! It is needed!

    When I try to join the auto-responder states I have already signed-up but when I ask to be sent a new password the email does not come…

    Not complaining, since you are a WIP, but thought you should know….

    And if you need help with the site I have some socially distancing time on my hands…..grin.

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