Trained by Master, a very experienced dominant woman!

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Master sat at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee before Her. Suddenly, this dominant woman ordered me to stand in the corner facing out with my head bowed down.

Standing on the corner as requested by my Master

I recalled in my head, that this order, “stand in the corner” means nose in the corner, arms stretched out with palms flat against the wall, and ass out.  But I realized she just said, “Stand in the corner facing out”. It means facing out, not touching the wall, chin to chest, hands behind back, hips out, feet two feet apart, and on tippy toes.
So, I quickly crawled over to the corner to obey Her command. I, at once, adopted the requested position that had been beaten into me by my training.  I lost track of the time. It was so difficult to stay on my tippy toes, with my head bowed properly.


I could only imagine Master comfortably sitting there, relaxing, and enjoying Her morning coffee as I struggled to stay in position on my tippy toes. In fact,  I was wondering if this dominant woman was ignoring me or if She was enjoying watching my struggles knowing that I was willing to submit to this type of treatment.  The burning in my calves at this point was starting to make my legs tremble.  Finally, the silence was broken by Master’s voice.

  • “slave, I see that the forced workouts are starting to show results. Finally, I deserve a yoked slave and not an average-looking slave.  I think starting today I will redo your diet and increase your forced workouts to get you even more cut and presentable for Me.”

She approached me as she was speaking.

  • “I want a horse ride, now!”

A special horse ride for this dominant woman!


dominant woman

I quickly got down on one knee and waited for Master to mount my shoulders.  This dominant woman moved closer to me and threw her leg over my shoulders to find Her place.  She wiggled into place and took a moment to Herself.  Suddenly I felt Her hard kick to my abdomen as She said.

  • “Giddy up, I want to go outside!”

I stood up carefully so Master had a smooth and comfortable ride for my transition from one knee to standing.  We moved toward the door. As I got closer I reached for the doorknob to open the door.  Then, I switched to a squatted walk so She did not have to duck as we moved through the doorway.  I learned that while on horse rides Master having to duck to avoid things like doorways and tree leaves was an annoyance. So, we could not have that if I could do something about it.

Once, She had beat that into me after I had carelessly let Her brush up against some leaves a while back. She had beat me hard until I learned my lesson. At the same time, She had told me how much it had annoyed Her to be brushed up against some leaves.

Master rode me out behind the house to the large outbuilding.  Once inside I got down onto one knee so Master could dismount.  As Master dismounted, I began to realize Her intentions for me.

The two carts, one smaller and one much larger

To one side, sat two carts with bicycle-style wheels, one smaller cart and one much larger.  The smaller one was kind of plain looking, a metal platform separated the wheels then a bench where the driver and maybe one passenger would sit.  The larger of the two had a really nice black leather upholstered bench seat definitely big enough for two people plus the cart had suspension for their comfort.

Master walked over to the smaller cart,

  • “You see slave, this cart is lighter and made for speed and can be easily pulled by one or two slaves but very little comfort for the rider.

Master turned towards the larger cart and stated,

  • “This cart is built for leisure rides out and has suspension for the comfort of the rider and a passenger but a lot heavier and harder to pull.  This cart is meant to be pulled by two slaves.  Do you understand slave?”


  • “Yes, Master, I understand,” I said.


  • ”slave, My intention is to train you over the next few months. So, that at the next Gynarchic meeting, I can show what I have accomplished with you.  I want to show all the other dominant females the demanding work and training I put into my slave.”


  • “Yes, Master, I understand,” I said.


  • “Good, I will harness you up and I will give you a good runout this morning. “

Positioned between the shafts of the larger cart

This dominant woman gave me running shoes and a leather chest harness.  Once I quickly had put them on. Master commented,

  • “Perfect, I wanted the harness to cover very little and fit extremely tight on my slave plus show off your chastity device.”

I started to move toward the smaller cart when I heard,

  • “Where do you think you are going?”


  • “Sorry, Master,” I said.


  • “I want to go for a leisure ride1”

She positioned me between the shafts of the larger cart. My hands were held to the metal projections by a series of buckled leather straps.  Master then strapped me into a wide leather waistbelt that served to anchor me even more firmly into place.  A leather head harness was strapped around my head with an attached metal bit that slipped into my mouth and was pulled deep into my mouth, a most effective method of control.

After Master had slipped on an expensive-looking pair of black leather boots. Then, she selected a riding whip from the wall rack and attached a set of leather reins to my head harness giving Her an easy method of commanding my movements from the seat behind me with very little effort.


Ordered by this dominant woman to start to move on!

  • “Slave, I was not planning on taking out the leisure cart today. In fact, I was planning on using the lighter cart but I really liked what I saw as you were standing in the corner earlier this morning.  All the hard work I put into your forced workouts is really starting to show. So, I thought to myself that I have been too easy on you.  With a lot harder work on my part, by increasing your forced workouts and training I could really have something, but it will take a lot of effort on my part.  I will need to stop being so easy on you and use the whip more to get what I want and deserve.”

Master picked up the garage door remote and the garage door rolled upwards to reveal the clear blue morning sky.  Master climbed into the seat.

  • “Giddy up, slave! “

This was a blunt command from Master.  I felt the jerk of the metal bit followed by the sting of the tip of her riding whip finding its mark across my shoulders and I took up the weight of the cart.

It was surprisingly easy to pull along the paved drive at first but once we were under way for a short time that soon changed.  We headed out along the asphalt road that led down between white-painted rail fences to the gate.  From there a further jerk of the bit turned us onto a small road on the right that ran parallel to the canal.  Master’s whip made sure I kept a decent pace despite the weight of the cart.

Then, a quite long ride to a stop at a shop

We could see a group of buildings in the distance, and these now drew closer as we hurried along the road at a brisk pace.  After possibly thirty minutes at this pace, we entered a neighborhood and headed up to the front of a small shop.  I felt the jerk of the metal bit followed by “whoa.”

Then I came to a stop in the front of the store as Master dismounted out of the cart.  I was standing there, breathing heavily, drenched in sweat, knees shaking, drool running down the corners of my mouth from the bit.

  • “Get over it, you wuss, you know I deserve better than this.  There will be a lot more training and treatment like this in your future so I can get what I want and deserve, do you understand, slave?’”

I just nodded my head in willing compliance.

Master went into the shop and appeared a few minutes later with a morning newspaper and a small bag of groceries and placed them in the cart.

As Master took her place back in the seat behind me, I heard.

  • “Giddy up slave! “

Tested on my speed and endurance by this dominant woman

Master’s whip found its mark hard on my shoulders once more and we turned for home back along the road.

  • “Run, slave Run!”

Her command accompanied by the whip being struck hard across my back and shoulders in an enthusiastic manner made it clear that She wanted more speed and I soon built up to a fast jog. We were perhaps a quarter way back when the lashes increased further in intensity.

Master was evidently eager to test my speed and endurance and I was soon running as fast as I could manage. My lungs felt as if they were bursting, despite the fact of my military training and had been a respectable distance runner in my teenage years, I still regarded myself as extremely fit, but I was being pushed to my limits now.

Sweat poured from my body as I kept up this pace. I slackened my pace slightly, only to be encouraged by more and harder cuts of the whip, making the final few hundred yards with the last of my strength. We turned back into the driveway of the house and came to a halt beside the garage, I was totally exhausted and sank to my knees as Master dismounted.

  • “Not bad slave and we will start doing this daily to get and then keep you in great shape for my pleasure and enjoyment.”

Knowing where my place is with my Goddess!

My Femdom co-worker : first date (2)


2 thoughts on “Trained by Master, a very experienced dominant woman!”

  1. this one made me strain my chastity cage. i love the power dynamic. She plans and works towards what She wants and deserves.

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