Rita’s Erotic Spanking

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One Cheeky Remark Turned Into an Invitation to Rita’s House

It was one night at dinner with friends that one of the girls, Rita, and I developed a friendship. Neither of us had an inkling that we shared a common interest. After dinner, I walked Rita to her car. As we reached the car I made some cheeky remark. To my astonishment and delight, Rita gave me a very firm smack on my bottom.

Deciding to press on, I said

  • “Oh, I’d pay good money to have my bottom smacked”

To which she retorted

  • “I smack cheeky boy’s bottoms for free”.

Getting slightly excited I said

  • “If cheeky boys get a smacked bottom does that mean that naughty boys get a spanking?”

Rita smiled (I could see that she was enjoying this banter).

  • “Indeed, the naughty boy’s get put over my knee and are very soundly spanked”.

I quickly replied,

  • “Don’t tease me like that”.

Rita continued

  • “If they have been very naughty, the spanking will be on their bare bottom”.


  • “Oh my goodness,” I said and then added, “What happens if they have been very, very, very naughty?”

On My Way To Rita’s House

  • “Ah, that would mean that I need to use my hairbrush and I would need to make sure that the naughty boy had a very bright red and sore bottom. It would be a spanking that he wouldn’t forget.”

Deciding to go all in, I said

  • “Well, there is only one thing I can say to that”,

to which Rita replied

  • “And what’s that ?”

With a sheepish grin, I said

  • “I’ve been a very, very, very naughty boy”.

Rita smiled and said,

  • “In that case, you better follow me home”.

It was a short drive and we entered her house.

  • “Wait here.” was all Rita said.

After about 10 minutes, she summoned me into her bedroom. As I entered I couldn’t believe my eyes as a lifelong fantasy was quickly becoming a reality. Rita had changed into a black bra, panties, suspender belt, stockings, and high heels and was holding a large wooden hairbrush.

She had positioned a straight-back chair next to her bed. She took my hand and led me to the chair undid my belt and jeans and pushed them down to my ankles. Rita sat down and pulled me across her lap and pulled down my underpants. My head was spinning at this point. Could this be happening?

erotic spanking

The Erotic Spanking Begin

Then to heighten the anticipation and my arousal she gave me a lecture on what a naughty boy I had been how this spanking was long overdue and that this was going to be the first of many erotic spankings. She added that it was obvious to her that I was a spoiled brat who needed to be spanked regularly.

Finally, the first spank landed and I was immediately aware that she had started with a hard spanking. Rita was a very proficient spanker. It wasn’t long before I began wiggling and moaning from the very hard spanking that she was administering.

After about 15 minutes of a hard, erotic spanking she stood me up and told me to stand in the corner and not look around. I stood in the corner with my bottom on fire and I still hadn’t felt the sting of the hairbrush. As I stood there I began to hear Rita moaning and I turned around to see her masturbating on the bed. Seeing me turn around she barked at me

  • “I told you not to turn around, get back over my knee immediately”.

The Erotic Spanking goes on

I hurriedly obeyed this very exciting and dominant woman and then received the erotic spanking of my life. Rita wielded that hairbrush for a good 10 minutes and it left my bottom very, very red and hot. After the erotic spanking, she positioned herself on the bed and ordered me to go down on her which I happily obeyed. Spanking me had aroused her and she came very quickly. Rita and I have been together for over 15 years now and we have a sensational loving DD relationship, a wonderful friendship, and a great sex life.

I’m so glad that I made that cheeky comment.


My Life Dedicated to Femdom Servitude

A Quick Rendezvous With Two Dominant Females


3 thoughts on “Rita’s Erotic Spanking”

  1. A win win situation. As a real Dom I always find my way with a man that sometimes doesn’t even know he has a sub in him.
    Well done Rita.

  2. Ive had serious spanking fun with three ladies in my life, theyve all got hot and horny whilst spanking, strapping and caning me. Ive been delighted to go down on them afterwards and say thankyou for the erotic beatings……

  3. i didn’t like this one that much. the power dynamic seemed a little off. i think the narrator takes too much liberty with his Superior. i did really like Her reaction to the spanking, however.

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