First Time For A BDSM Bull

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The Night I Became A BDSM Bull

I remember how I became a BDSM bull vividly. I was a mere 21 years old when I met her. She was a wonderful 30-year-old woman and I could tell she knew what she wanted. She was a woman who had control over her life. The excitement for me was that I was the younger person. I have always been into older women. I was at the lounge Monday night and there weren’t too many people there. When she walked in, all eyes immediately turned to look at her.

She walked up to the bar and sat right next to me and ordered herself a beverage. She and the bartender both just looked at me.

  • “Bartender,” I said, “put her drink on my tab.”

She looked at the bartender and said,

  • “You’re right, he may be what I am looking for.”

I felt my blood rushing to different places in my body. One was my head and the other was my cock head. My cheeks looked like I was an alcoholic. I had to adjust the way I was sitting since I started getting hard and she noticed.

Ms. Shoal

The bartender brought her the drink she ordered and gave me a half-smile. I mildly shook my head in confusion. I look at this beautiful woman sitting next to me with confusion in my eyes.

  • “What was that about?” I asked.

She gave me a smile and laid her hand on mine.

  • “I am Ms. Shoal,” she said.


  • “I am Brad,” I said.


  • “Brad the BDSM Bull?” she replied.


  • “Um… sure, if that is what you like.”


  • “Are you hung like a BDSM bull?” she asked.


  • “Whoa,” I said in a shocked voice, “that’s a pretty bold question to ask someone you just met.”


  • “Well, I know what I am looking for…so are you?” She asked again. “By the way, I am not one that likes to repeat myself.”


  • “I do apologize for that inconvenience Ms. Shoal,” I said. “I can say I am not quite that big, however, I am not tiny. Why do you ask?”

Ms. just looked at me and smiled. She ordered me to finish my drink quickly. I brought the beverage to my mouth, brought the bottom of the cup to a position where it is pointing at the ceiling and it was gone in a very short moment.

  • “Boy,” she said, “you will do what I say huh?”


  • “Well, I wouldn’t kill anyone,” I said with a small giggle.

She grabbed my hand and we started walking out of the lounge.


The Summer Getaway Place

I remember taking the limo she had to her place where she kept me engaged with her teasing hands touching my dick while she was giving me orders.

  • “When we get there, you will wait outside for a moment,” she said. “I need to get a few things ready for you before you can come inside.


  • “Yes Ms. Shoal.” I said.


  • “Along with that, you must stand right there at the door, okay,” She demanded.


  • “Yes Ms. Shoal,” I said.

When we arrived, I noticed how small and quaint the place was. I was surprised to see such a small house as we had arrived in a limo. I was expecting a large mansion or something.

Ms. Shoal looked at my face and could see a slight bit of confusion and disappointment. She then expressed this was a secondary summer getaway place and not her main home.

  • “You might be what I am looking for,” I illuminated excitedly.

We got out of the car and I sat down on the bench. She just looked at me with a glare and raised her eyebrows. I slowly stood back up. After about five minutes she came back out with a gift.

bdsm bull

My New Collar

  • “For me?” I asked. “Already, you must see something special in me.”

I let out a small giggle and she let out a vocal smirk. I thanked her and opened the gift. It looked like a collar with a tag that read, “BDSM Bull”. I giggled thinking it was a joke that had to do with our earlier conversation. She grabbed it and told me to allow her to put it on me. Of course, I accepted. I was thinking she and I  were going to have sex soon. She snapped it on and we started to walk in. Just then another car pulled up and a few more guys got out, each with BDSM bull collars on their necks as well.

The door shut and standing in front of the men was another man on his knees dressed like a woman. He had a collar on his neck that read “Sissy”. Ms. Shoal was standing between me and the door. I then felt Ms. Shoal putting something else on the collar of my neck and I heard a small click. She walked around in front of me, showed me a key that was hanging around her neck. I then heard Sissy speak in the best falsetto voice he could muster.

  • “We are both hers now sir,” sissy said to me.

Sissy Pulled My Boxers Down With Her Teeth

Ms. Shoal glared at sissy and she cowered her head down. She then spoke but did not call her Ms. Shoal.

  • “Mistress,” she said,


  • ” I decided to meet you at the door because…


  • “You decided!” She exclaimed. “Since when is it okay for you to make a decision you little lazy bitch?

“Wow,” I thought, “look at her expressing that pent-up anger. I certainly would not want to make Ms. Shoal mad while I have this collar on. I watched as the little sissy bitch’s face started to turn red after Ms. Shoal slapped her.

Ms. Shoal gave sissy some instructions and I watch as sissy crawled over to me, put her teeth on my zipper, and pulled my zipper down. Mistress grabbed my boxers and pulled them down too. I could feel a little humiliation venting through my body as well as some excitement. I never thought I would be excited by this so I went with it. Besides, I did not want Ms. Shoal to hit me too. When my cock flopped out, it slapped sissy in the face. I could tell sissy liked this with her smile. Ms. Shoul told me to call her names.


Mistress’ Pussy Wrapped Around My Cock

I grabbed my cock and started slapping sissy’s face with it. I was calling her a bitch, a whore, and a cum dumpster. Ms. Shoal then grabbed my cock and sissy’s face and made me face-fuck her. She then pulled sissy back with the leash and explained that sissy was going to watch her and me fuck. She told me I cannot cum until she gave me permission and ordered me to call her Mistress from now on as well. Mistress laid down on the couch took sissy’s leash and pulled her over to her.

Sissy automatically put her face right by Mistress’ pussy and Mistress told me to tease her first. So I took my cock and started slapping it repeatedly on her pussy. Mistress grabbed my cock after five minutes and shoved it inside of her hard. I could see sissy was trying to get hard, but couldn’t because he had a chastity device on. I was happy to have Mistress’ pussy wrapped around my cock. At that moment, I thought I was in heaven. Forty-five minutes went by and we changed positions five times. In between times that we were changing positions, sissy had to blow me five times.

May I Cum Mistress?

  • “Mistress may cum? I asked.


  • “You better not cum in me. Pull out now. Sissy will take your cum and enjoy it. Cum on her face and in her mouth, BDSM bull” she said sternly.


  • “Yes Mistress.” I said.

I pulled out and turned so sissy was ready to catch my cum. She started to stroke my cock for me with her mouth opened wide as if this was not something new to her.

I shot a load that went over sissy and almost hit Mistress’ foot. Sissy had to go clean up my cum with her tongue. I remember towering over this little sissy slut and thinking I can do this all the time. Once sissy was done, she turned to me.

  • “I hope you are both satisfied,” she exclaimed.

I looked at Mistress and smiled, thanking her. Sissy then said,

  • “I used to be her BDSM bull ya know. Don’t get too comfortable.”

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Mistress’ New BDSM Slave

Femdom Warrior Enslaves Me


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