The Femdom Student And Her Submissive Professor (26)

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Mistress Chloe Comes To Deliver Me

Mistress Christy and her submissive leave me. The door closes and I stay on my knees, exhausted with my face smeared with cum. I’m in a second state. Time passes slowly and no other client appears for the submissive professor. I’m almost disappointed. Finally, the bell that marks the end of the day rings and Mistress Chloe comes to deliver me. “WOW!!!! It stinks of ass in here. It’s so obvious. So my bitch, did we work you hard enough?” Mistress Chloe does not give me time to answer and throws my “civil” clothes at my face. “You have 3 minutes to get dressed and be presentable!”

Back at the apartment, Mistress Chloe orders me to shower, then join her in the living room. However, she allows me to take my time in the bathroom. This is a rare occasion because usually she times my showers. I gradually regain my strength under the hot water and my mind tries to make sense of what just happened, forcing me to admit to myself that I liked what happened to me. I loved being offered to these young women and to this man and liked being an object of pleasure, a sex toy for everyone to use. A used submissive straight out of some of the femdom stories I use to read. The humiliation, the pain, and the perversity of these unique moments brought me to the edge of an orgasm. More cerebral than physical. And it’s a new world for me. Like a new release. A higher stage in my submission at the feet of my Mistresses.

The Time For Milking Has Not Come Yet

When I am done bathing, I join Mistress Chloe in the living room, as ordered. I wore an outfit prepared by my Mistress: leather bracelets on my wrists and ankles, wide collar, and spandex hood. Nothing else. I fought against the desire to touch myself. The contact of the water and the memories of my vicious sodomy made me hard again. It is in this position, with an erection that I come to present myself to my Mistress.

“Hmmm I see the meeting this afternoon did not make you lose your strength my pet. Have you cummed yet? “No Mistress.” “Approach me!” I obeyed and approached my Mistress Chloe. She grabs my cock and starts to masturbate me slowly. Then with her other hand, she caresses my swollen balls.

“You are very full my little bitch … how long has it been since you’ve been drained?” “Five days Mistress Chloe.” “Hmmm… it’s time to milk you, but don’t think I’ll do the job… I’m waiting for Christy, and I think she’s coming with other people. Who, I do not know. The time for milking has not yet come,” she said bursting into laughter. “In the meantime, take off my shoes and take care of my feet. Give them a good licking.”

mistress chloe

Foot Worship

I take off her boots, then her stockings, and I begin my veneration of her divine feet. Because they really are divine. Fine, racy, sweet … I’m not a foot fetishist but I admit that using my mouth, and my tongue on those of my Mistresses perturbs me deeply. And I put all my ardor, all my desire to do it well. All my love dare I say. Mistress Chloe savors my caresses and indulges in her chair. I love these moments intensely, during which I can see the pleasure that I give to my Mistress.

It is total satisfaction for me to watch her surrender and appreciate my work. Thus, I redouble my efforts: suck, and lick between the toes as Mistress Chloe loves me to do to her, while I massage her soles with my hands.

The foot worshipping session is interrupted by a knock on the door. I stop so Mistress can open the door. Mistress Christy enters first. I throw myself at her feet to kiss them welcoming her. Other shoes follow without me being able to see who they belong to. I also kiss them as a sign of allegiance and benevolence. And before I can close the door, it’s a pair of stiletto heels walking in. Kisses and words of welcome.

Fucked My Ass With Infinite Sweetness

Then I sit up and lead the guests to the living room. I managed to get a quick glance. It was Selena, Nadine, and a third young woman that I think is Sophie. Three of my clients from this afternoon. Fortunately for me, they did not recognize me, or better said, identify me.

“Hmmm Chloe, you’re really lucky to have this bitch at home. And you too Christy, I understand that you benefit from him a lot as well! It was Selena who spoke. Selena who fucked my ass with infinite sweetness. “Thank you girls, I invite you to abuse him again.” Mistress Chloe demands silence, with difficulty in the midst of bursts of laughter.

“Tonight, we play with our bitch!. I prepared these papers so you can write all the things you want to do to him this evening. We will each draw a ballot from this globe I like to call the ball of torture. The one that grabs the ballot gets to do whatever is written on it to this bitch. In the meantime, this slut will serve us champagne and strawberries. Let the party begin!”

Approach Me Slut

The ladies discuss things like classes, guys, etc. The laughter gets louder and louder as the champagne flows. I am very regularly slapped on my ass and caressed on my cock and balls. Mistress Christy, sitting comfortably in the big chair, spanked me on my knees. “To warm you up,” she says. Mistress Chloe calls for silence again. “It’s time to start the game! Sophie, the draw has designated you. It’s up to you to open the ball of torture.” Sophie pulls a paper out and reads it aloud. “The first activity for our slut will be …… 3 minutes of ass licking! And I appoint Selena!” Applause, laughter … Selena takes off her skirt, she’s wearing nothing underneath.

“Approach me slut! Let’s see what you can do.” She gets on all fours on the couch and I come behind her. I started by caressing her ass cheeks and slowly licking around her anus. Selena seems to appreciate it. “Lick inside my asshole!” I obeyed while Mistress Chloe keeps an eye on the stopwatch. My delicious Mistress moaned under my licks. With a hand on my head, she keeps my face pressed between her ass cheeks. “3 minutes. STOP!!”

Action Whore

Selena protests, arguing that she is just starting to get excited. “You’re done, Selena. You get to go again when it’s your turn to pick a ballot.” “And the activity is….10 lashes with the whip and I designate…Nadine!” Applause. Thus, Nadine orders me to go to the center of the living room standing, with hands on my head and legs apart. She takes her time walking around me, inspecting me. My other Mistresses have moved to the center to enjoy the show.

“Action whore … and thank your Mistress after every lash.” The first lash falls across my buttocks. Nadine hit hard and I let out a cry, forgetting to thank her. “Slut… we start again from the beginning!” Then she starts lashing at me. This time I don’t forget to count since Nadine has a heavy hand and I don’t want her to start from the beginning. “Better I lash you on your thighs.”

My legs are shaking. My kidneys radiate pain as I feel the leather caress the inside of my thighs. Nadine takes her time, touches my buttocks again, caresses me on my belly and my chest with the whip … then a quick blow on my hard cock. Screams of joy from the spectators. I double over in pain. “Hold your position slut!” “Four .. thank you, Mistress Nadine!” “Christy, put yourself behind him and hold his arms, please? That’s … Sophie, Selena, hold his ankles apart … the last 5 will be on his cock and balls! Ready to suffer more my slut?”



The Dominant Brunette And Her BDSM Dungeon (1)

Mistress Goddess Sodomizes Her Slave


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