Domestic sissy service for Miss Eli

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The Domestic sissy

Miss Eli smiled at me from the sofa as I brought the two glasses of wine into the living room.
She slipped her black heels off and put her tan-stockinged feet up on the leather footstool as I sat on the floor.
  • “I’ve been thinking, why don’t you just work for me as a domestic sissy? said, Miss Eli.
  • “How do you mean?” I replied.


Well, I’m at work nine to five, and to be honest and I’d like to just be able to come home and put my feet up.

  • “It would be great if you could do the housework; ironing, cleaning the bathrooms, the kitchen, and the floors, and even have a meal ready for me when I get home,” she said smiling. “You’ll be like my house domestic sissy bitch!
domestic sissy
I blushed but still wasn’t sure if she was being serious.
  • “I’ll do anything you want me to do”, I answered nervously and kept drinking my wine.
With her voice a little more firm she said,
  • “anything?”
  • -“Yes, Anything.”
  • “Ok good, clean the kitchen and put on the tv, domestic sissy bitch!”
I bowed dramatically and giggled,
  • “Of course Ma’am”.
  • Ma’am?” she said, ” Oh no I don’t like Ma’am, makes me sound old and I also do not like to be called Miss; from now on you shall call me Mistress.
  • “Yes, Mistress” I replied and pressed the button on the remote control, still laughing nervously.
If a little housework was the price of living in the comfort I found myself in now, I considered it a small price to pay.
While I was busy in the kitchen putting the dishes and cups in the washer I heard her go upstairs and a few moments later the sound of the shower running.
I sat back in my chair just as she came down, showered and smelling fresh.
  • “That’s better”, she said stretching out and lying back on the leather sofa.

House chores list for sissy

  • “Do me a huge favor would you Jay; get the laundry basket and put a wash now.”
“I’ve let it build up a bit. Do the delicates first and while they are drying put the other wash on. Oh and my panties have to be washed by hand, make sure to do it right.”
I went to the wicker basket and began sorting her clothes into three piles on the bed; whites, darks, and delicates.
As I entered the living room I saw her painting her toenails in her trademark red polish, a bottle of expensive unopened red wine sitting on the table, two glasses, and a corkscrew.
I opened the wine and poured her a glass.
  • “You really are well-mannered you know, that’s nice.”
With the wash on in the utility room, I came back up and sat on the chair, enjoying the fine red and chatting with Mistress Eli.
The wine was going down well and we were in the second bottle when I heard the shrill pipe of the tumbler finishing its dryer program.
I was on my way to fold it and put it on her bed when she stopped me.
  • “Oooh,” she smiled and drained her glass in one swallow. “did those black stockings survive?”
I put the dry washing on the coffee table and sifted through the nylon and silk, looking for the black stocking.
  • “You’ll never find a stocking with a run-in like that I assure you”.
She smiled and poured us both another glass of wine.
  • “Remove your shirt!”, she said.
I smiled a little drunkenly and did as she asked.
  • “You have a slim body, almost girlish in fact. Why don’t you go take a shower?”
On the toilet seat next to the shower I found a note and a pair of silk pink panties, edged in white lace. The note said; “after your shower, Put these on!”
I took a fast shower and put the panties on. Blushing went down and walked shyly into the living room, my cheeks burning red, thinking of me as her domestic sissy.
  • “Mmmm… very pretty,” she said from the sofa. “Turn round and let me see your sissy ass”.
I turned around embarrassed and displayed my pantied arse to her with my cock hard but held tightly inside the panties.
She got up and ran her hand over the silk before lightly smacking my ass, then over my stiff cock through the panties.
She had changed her soft flat shoes for a pair of four-inch heels, making her just slightly taller than me.
“I think you need to finish the job,” she said wickedly. “Sit on the floor and start folding my panties and bras bitch!”
She laughed at me while watching tv.
I stayed on the floor for the rest of the evening with my ass cold as she played with and explored my hair.
  • “Good bitch”, she said, as my eyes looked at her lovely feet wanting to lick them.
Before I could do it, Mistress Eli drifted off to sleep.


Femdom Slave : My Servitude Begins

A slave used by his Mistress for her own amusement


7 thoughts on “Domestic sissy service for Miss Eli”

  1. Lovely mistress. If I have chance, I would like to serve a glass of red wine to mistress like a good sissy.

  2. I’ve ways dreamed of a strange dom female, I’m 52 and still have it, how do I get involved with being dominated,by a femdom, I love that site, I been wanting to be on a video being dominated by a beautiful woman,women, seems like it’s just a fanisty, femdom how do I be at or on site interview

  3. My favorite way to submit and serve my femdom wife ; being forced to perform the household chores sissified in panties while my wife relaxes on the sofa and talks to her friends on the phone

  4. sissification is very arousing to me. i have an inner craving to do housework in panties, bra, dress and heels. serving Mistress in this attire upon Her insistence is so stimulating.

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