Hi, I am a simple man (maybe not even a man, possibly a sissy) and learned that I am a beta and that the real alphas are all women. I have serviced women (mainly, but not solely, in the bedroom) in two relationships for some years. I am looking for a Dom and joined Femdom.dating, which I understand is provided for by ownners or managers of this web site. I cannot call that dating site, as there is only messaging. I have asked many questions, all but one, and that one minimally answered, have not been replied to after nearly a week. I admit that I was a bit crass in my language in emails because I was receiving no response. I thought a profuse apology was in order and sent one in their message box, to no avail. They continue, no matter how polite I am, to refuse to reply. For example: It says 18 Visitors to my site. I click on it and a list of 9 come up–I find no way to select another page, which would seem a normal way to display more visitors since there is only 9 (which fill the first window) displayed. I messaged for help 3 or 4 times, for that, as well as often for other items (i.e. in areas the site is not the most user friendly (e.g. the 2nd page of 18 visitors–unable to find other page). Must I beg to have some questions (almost a week old) answered? Is there any help around here or can I be advised, please as to how to approach this? Thank you for any suggestion(s) (I informed them in a message 2 or 3 days ago and again today that if I have a problem with someone or a business that I go directly to the person or business that I have the problem with and I don’t broadcast a problem all over town to any other organizations. Still now reply. I sent that if it continues I will report exact and only factual results of my experience to every scam alert website I can find. I am a Vietnam Veteran and I will tolerate (except from women) so much B.S. after repeatedly having made every effort to find cooperation in a proper manner. I feel I have exhausted my courteous, good natured behavior and actions (after having apologized profusely for verbal blunders in the beginning). I am unsure of how to get to management of this site (merely for support) or at femdom.dating for resolution. Thank you so much for reading of my problem. Most Respectfully, John Sturdevant
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Hi, I am a simple man (maybe not even a man, possibly a sissy) and learned that I am a beta and that the real alphas are all women. I have serviced women (mainly, but not solely, in the bedroom) in two relationships for some years. I am looking for a Dom and joined Femdom.dating, which I understand is provided for by ownners or managers of this web site. I cannot call that dating site, as there is only messaging. I have asked many questions, all but one, and that one minimally answered, have not been replied to after nearly a week. I admit that I was a bit crass in my language in emails because I was receiving no response. I thought a profuse apology was in order and sent one in their message box, to no avail. They continue, no matter how polite I am, to refuse to reply. For example: It says 18 Visitors to my site. I click on it and a list of 9 come up–I find no way to select another page, which would seem a normal way to display more visitors since there is only 9 (which fill the first window) displayed. I messaged for help 3 or 4 times, for that, as well as often for other items (i.e. in areas the site is not the most user friendly (e.g. the 2nd page of 18 visitors–unable to find other page). Must I beg to have some questions (almost a week old) answered? Is there any help around here or can I be advised, please as to how to approach this? Thank you for any suggestion(s) (I informed them in a message 2 or 3 days ago and again today that if I have a problem with someone or a business that I go directly to the person or business that I have the problem with and I don’t broadcast a problem all over town to any other organizations. Still now reply. I sent that if it continues I will report exact and only factual results of my experience to every scam alert website I can find. I am a Vietnam Veteran and I will tolerate (except from women) so much B.S. after repeatedly having made every effort to find cooperation in a proper manner. I feel I have exhausted my courteous, good natured behavior and actions (after having apologized profusely for verbal blunders in the beginning). I am unsure of how to get to management of this site (merely for support) or at femdom.dating for resolution. Thank you so much for reading of my problem. Most Respectfully, John Sturdevant