Sissy Cunt Sucks Cocks For Mistress

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Sissy Cunt Ready For The Special Occasion

Mistress always took her sissy cunt for a walk down Main Street. Fortunately, the cops did not frequent Main Street anymore because it was such an old part of town, and not too many people went there. It was only the drakes, bums, and prostitutes. Mistress also had to remind sissy cunt why she had to go every night. She owed her a lot of money for the time Mistress would spend training her to be a sissy slut. They were walking to the main street knowing it was about to rain. Sissy cunt loved the rain. Mistress had a set up on Main street for this special occasion. There was a solid fence that stood about eight feet high. It was on the corner of Main street and an alley with no name.

Mistress and sissy cunt arrived with about three cocks sticking out of the holes. “On your knees my sissy cock sucking slut,” demanded Mistress. “Yes Mistress,” sissy cunt replied. Mistress pointed at the smallest cock first and sissy started to giggle. Mistress slapped her and explained this is not proper behavior if she wants to earn money to pay her back. So she began to suck this cock in the rain. The fence had a cover to prevent the rain from getting them all wet.

Finish And Swallow Little Bitch

Another cock waited for her as a sissy cunt crawled over to it. It was certainly bigger than the last but was not as big as the BDSM bull she had to watch Mistress with all the time. Sucking and slurping, pre cum finally arrived. She stopped and looked at Mistress. “Finish and swallow my little bitch,” Mistress exclaimed. “Yes Mistress,” replied sissy. She began to sense the explosion in her mouth as it knocked her tonsils like a punching bag. She had to move on. The next was quite large. She recognized this cock as it was Mistress’ BDSM bull. When the sissy cunt began to touch it, the man pulled back. He put a note through the hole and insisted she sucks on him in his car with Mistress watching.

On her knees, she crawled to his car. She started to suck on it as it grew inside her mouth and began to think it would never stop growing. She began to choke on his cock and removed her head for a moment. Mistress grabbed her head and shoved it on the bull’s cock. “Use your tongue and swirl that pre cum around,” said Mistress. “Now, play with his balls with your long fingernails. Don’t hurt his balls though like a dumb bitch would.” Sissy began to lick, swirl her tongue, started to stroke his cock as well. “Mistress, this is taking a lot longer than the others. They only took a couple of minutes,“ stated sissy cunt. Mistress replied, “That is because he is a bull and can hold his cum in for quite a while.

sissy cunt

The Ghosts Of Cocks To Cum

Finally, they finished. Mistress started counting her money. Sissy looked up at her wondering about her share. Mistress slapped her and reminded her, her share was in her mouth. After all, it was only 15 dollars for three of them. Sissy cunt turned and looked, there were three more cocks poking through the fence. She looked up and the sun started peaking its bright lights through the clouds. Sissy noticed how each cock had a sunbeam on it as if it were going to stroke them for her. The first cock began to rise on its own. Mistress noticed it as well. “The Ghost of Cocks to Cum,” she said with a slight giggle.

“Mistress, can I wait till the next rainfall?” asked sissy cunt. She loved blow jobs in the rain because she had to work and could feel the cocks getting harder in her mouth and this excited her. Mistress explained they already paid. One paid a lot more so she will have to give that cock more attention. Sissy went over to the first cock. It was a good 7 inches.

She noticed all the hair that seemed to crawl all the way up to the head. She could see different colors in the hair as well. The most prominent was a grey color. She looked at Mistress with a somewhat distressful look. “Do I have to do this one?” sissy cunt mouthed silently to Mistress. “This thing stinks too. It smells like it came out of the garbage can.” “Don’t worry,” Mistress replied, “it won’t take long. This one has not been touched by anyone in a long time.”

Dripping Drip The Precum Dribbles Down

Sissy cunt got back on her knees and started licking, touching the head with her tongue. She could feel it twitching and twerking each time. Then, she wrapped her lips around the head and swirled her tongue around and the precum became a dripping drip that would not stop. She stopped for a moment and used the precum as a lube and began to stroke the dick with her painted nails and her hands. Just as she began to put her mouth over the hooded pole, she had a blast of white gooey splooge all over her face. “See,” Mistress said, “didn’t take long. Next.” “Yes Mistress,” sissy replied.

The next pole was hanging there as If it was a dead vine hanging from a tree. Mistress explained she will have to get him hard. She began to suck and swirl her tongue and then use her nails to caress the balls. The cock was getting rock hard. She stood up and turn around, bent over and grabbed the cock, and put it in her boi pussy. She started feeling a thrust and began to moan repeating “what a slut and whore she is for Mistress.”

When she looked up at Mistress and thanked her for the honor of serving her. Just before the man came, she turned back around and got on her knees, jacked him off till he came all over her chest. The first two men left. Mistress explained to sissy that she will need to go around to the other side for the next one. She crawled around to the other side.


He looked like he just came from a costume party. The man had to make up on, black clothes, and a mask. He said in a low voice, “I’m Batman.” “There is my little slut.” Sissy could only reply with a somewhat serious and sarcastic reply, “Fuck me, Batman.” The man smiled and had her turn around. She had to pull down her panties with the dried-up cum from the other guy that was previously inside of her. She began to feel a swat from the wings of his costume on her behind. After a bit, the man tried to get his costume off. He had to have sissy help him. Once the costume was off, his belly-flopped out as if it was a whole other person.

She had a disgusted look on her face but was cognizant enough to hide it. It was hidden by Batman’s wings. She knelt down slowly in front of the man while looking him in the eyes. She grabbed his penis and started tickling it with her long nails. He started to get hard and then she went tonsils deep with his cock. The whole thing fits easily in her mouth. Part of her instruction was to keep eye contact with him as much as possible. So she did. Before completion, the man looked at Mistress. “Do you want to help her?” he asked Mistress. She then took her cane that she usually uses to punish sissy, and smacked the man over the head with it. She took sissy by the hand and they went home.

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2 thoughts on “Sissy Cunt Sucks Cocks For Mistress”

  1. By now, many women have seen or heard of enforced male chastity. The subject appears with increasing frequency in the mainstream media, and images of men locked in chastity devices have even appeared in a number of recent movies. Perhaps you have seen photos online of men locked in plastic or metal chastity cages. But, are you aware of the benefits that you could be enjoying by locking your husband in a male chastity device? If not, read on…

    This writing is based on things that I’ve learned from a number of women that I’ve known over the years who cage their husbands. Two of these women also cuckold their husbands, and I’ve served as a ‘bull’ for them. Others are friends that I’ve met either in real-life or online, who have sought my advice as they embarked on their journey of enforcing male chastity with their husbands. I’ve stayed in contact with most of these women over the years, and they are always eager to share with me the latest developments in their journeys.

    First and foremost, if your husband has hinted that he might want to ‘experiment’ with you locking him in a male chastity device, run (don’t walk) to your favorite supplier of adult toys, and buy a male chastity device today. You won’t regret it.

    After locking your husband in a male chastity device, your husband will no longer be able to ejaculate without you unlocking the device. This means that YOU (not him) will now be in control of his orgasms. You will determine IF he cums, WHEN he cums, and HOW he cums.

    Most women report that they begin to notice significant changes after an initial lock-up period of about three weeks. Around that time, you will start to notice behavioral changes in your husband, which you will immediately appreciate. He will be less agitated with you, less belligerent, more attentive to you, and more affable to you. Here’s why:

    1) He can no longer simply go somewhere and jerk-off. He’s probably been doing that more than you realize. But, now that he no longer can simply get himself off, he NEEDS YOU for sexual satisfaction. As a result of this, you have now just become infinitely more important and more valuable to him. He now sees you in very different light than he did before. This will change the way he thinks of you and how he treats you. He will try hard not to disapoint you and he will be eager to please you. If, by chance, he digresses and treats you in a way that you find unacceptable, simply say, ‘One more week…’. He will know exactly what that means, and you will see the look of regret in his eyes as he immediately wishes he hadn’t done what ever he did to displease you.

    2) Taking control of his cock and his orgasms puts a dent in his male ego. The male ego is the source of most problems in a marriage. Basically, it’s what makes men assholes. And, the male ego is what makes many men think that they are naturally superior to women. But, nothing breaks down a man’s ego more than the fact that he no longer has control of his own cock – the quintessential symbol of his very manhood. By breaking down his male ego, he’ll be less aggresive and more pleasant to be around, and he will begin to see you (and other women) as equal (or even superior) to himself.

    3) Just because he doesn’t get to cum doesn’t mean that you don’t. His cock won’t be available to you while it’s locked in its cage, but his mouth will be eager to serve you. You can (an should) demand as much oral sex as you want while he is locked in chastity. Because he knows that he won’t be cumming, he won’t be distracted with the pursuit of his own pleasure while he pleases you, and therefore he will be able to focus all of his effort and energy on your pleasure. And, he will be eager to do so because of number 1 above.

    There are numerous articles online that cover the pro’s and con’s of the different types of devices available, the logistics as far as fitting, cleaning, and other considerations. (FYI, I recommend a metal device. It will have a psychological effect on your husband of being more like a prison than a plastic one). A quick Google search will lead you to a wealth of information on these subjects, so I won’t cover these here. However, the important thing to remember during the initial lock-up period is to constantly remind him that YOU now own his cock. Remind him several times a day of this. Tease him about it. Remind him that he won’t be cumming until YOU allow it. Wear the key to his cage on a necklace around your neck, so that he constantly sees it. Dress and act provocatively and suggestively around him while he is locked in his cage. Play with his caged cock and balls, and remark when you see his cock trying to get hard inside its cage. After he’s given you as many orgasms as you can handle with his tongue, ask him (sarcastically) if he would like to cum too. Then, when he says, ‘yes’, express your ‘pity’ that his release date is still weeks away. Feel his balls to see how full they are. Ask him what he would be willing to do for a blowjob (his answers might surprise you). You might think that all of this is very mean (and it is), but it is important that you do these things to reinforce the fact that you now control his cock and his orgasms. Doing so will amplify the effects of you caging him (particularly numbers 1 and 2 above).

    After the initial lock-up period of about three weeks, you should grant him the privilege of an orgasm. Some women couch it as a sort of ‘reward’ for their husband. How you let him cum is up to you. It can be through sex, or you can give him a blowjob – or you can simply allow him to jerkoff while you supervise. Regardless of how you allow him to cum, you must immediately lock him back in his cage afterwards. There should be no mistake that his enforced chastity will continue.

    Going forward, each woman that I’ve known has handled things differently. Some have kept their husbands on fairly short release schedule of only several weeks between releases, while others have used much longer durations. Some women have incorporated other ways of asserting their authority over their husband and further breaking down their husband’s male ego – such as forcing their husband to eat his own cum after being granted the privilege of an orgasm, cuckolding their husband, taking their husband’s anal virginity, forcing their husband to perform bi acts, etc. Many women who cage their husband see cuckolding as a natural next step after caging – i.e. even though they are getting as much oral sex as the want from their husband, they feel that they have a need to be filled, and being that their husband’s cock is caged, cuckolding is the only other option. Other women have not gone beyond caging their husbands, and have no intention of doing so. Each woman’s journey has taken its own unique course.

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