Sexy Dominant Woman Seduces Me At The Gym

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sexy dominant woman

The Gorgeous Woman At The Gym

Lately, I have been unable to sleep after a session with my submissive girlfriend. Not that I am a real dominant male stud like in 50 Shades of Grey. Maybe I don’t really like submissive women and find a sexy dominant woman more attractive. Anyways, since I couldn’t sleep I headed to the gym for an early workout.

Coming out of the locker room I thought I was the only member in the gym. As I walked past the free weights area I saw a tall woman stretching. This area is set up in front of a walk of mirrors. She was facing the mirror with her back toward me. She was dressed in short tight spandex shorts and a tight halter top. I could not take my eyes off of her gorgeous ass. As I gazed into the mirror to further check her out, I could see she was looking directly at me. I watched as her eyes moved up and then down my body. When her gaze stopped at my waist, she smiled and licked her lips. Shit! When I looked down at my crotch there was a huge bulge in my shorts. Embarrassed, I quickly headed to a bench press rack.

The Sexy Dominant Woman Approaches Me

With closed eyes, I strained to push up my 6th rep. Suddenly as the bar lifted up, I heard a voice say,

  • “Do you need some help sweetie?”

I open my eyes and it was the sexy dominant woman in the mirror. She was even hotter up close. Six feet tall, broad shoulders, toned muscular arms and legs, and firm breasts bursting out of her top. Straddling over me while I lie on the bench, I was a little intimidated but extremely turned on.

Fuck, here I go again another hard-on. The sexy dominant woman smiled again and grabbed my cock while she bent down and whispered,

  • “Meet me in tanning booth number 3 in 2 minutes, and don’t be late.”

She tightened her grip on my cock and then easily lifted the weight I was struggling with and put it on the rack. Wow, I better not be late as she could surely kick my ass.

I knocked on the door of tanning booth number 3 and entered.

  • “Lock the door,” the sexy dominant woman commanded.

She was standing near a table stark naked. What a goddess.

  • “Come here,” she commanded.

As I approached she put her hand down my pants and squeezed my already hard cock.

  • “You have never been with someone as awesome as me. Obey me and you will have experiences you’ve never dreamed of.”

She pulled my pants and while grabbing my throbbing cock she said,

  • “Yes you will obey me won’t you?”

I nodded yes. She slapped my cock.

  • “You speak when spoken to and always address me as your Highness.”

She tightened her grip and then twisted and squeezed my balls.



  • “Yes your highness,” I eagerly replied.

Facesitting In The Tanning Booth

She then directed me to lie on my back on the table while she hopped up on the table and straddled me. She lowered her shaved beautiful pussy to my face. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in her. Licking her thighs, I worked my way to her vagina. I licked and lapped it using my entire tongue inside of her. Up and down side to side. She started to softly moan,

  • “Suck my clit,” she said.

I slipped my tongue in and started to lick and suck her clit. She got even lower and started to fuck my face. Grinding up and down I could hardly breathe but I kept my face buried in her. When she was about to cum she lifted up and squirted in my face. I licked it up. She tasted so sweet.

She turned around and told me to worship her ass. Of course, I obeyed. As I kissed and licked her tight sexy ass she started to stroke my cock until I was about to cum then she stopped until the sensation stopped bringing me back and forth to near ejaculation. She was a master of tease and orgasm denial. I was so aroused I slipped my tongue as far as I could up her asshole. Licking the sides and then circling my tongue rimming her asshole. She moaned and went down on me. Both of us licking and sucking until like clockwork we orgasmed together.

She stood over me and sternly said,

  • “Take a shower and meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes. We are going shopping for your collar and chastity belt.”

I jumped up and ran to the locker room. I love to shop.

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Domina Mistress, A Letter To You

Sexy Dominant Women Seduces Me At The Gym (2)


1 thought on “Sexy Dominant Woman Seduces Me At The Gym”

  1. Interesting, but a fiction, yes? personally, i never used a gym enuff to experience anything like this. And never enjoy shopping, especially at 6AM (an early workout) i like the man’s internal conflict about being a Dom or a sub and wish you had gotten back to that. Write more.

  2. I spend a lot of time in gyms and these scenarios are not far from the realm of possiblities

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