The Kinky Woman At The Store (1)

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She Is No Ordinary Woman

I love visiting the music store in downtown. It had a good collection of nice jazz CDs and records. There was usually something special in stock. My heartbeat went up each time as I handed her the chosen disks and records I was paying for. Thinking I was excited about the new music I was purchasing it never occurred to me that my excitement was brought on by her. She looked like an ordinary woman, neat and and well dressed. Nothing special. She definitely didn’t look like she had kinky habits. Nor did I had any idea how to start a conversation with her and if I had, there were other customers waiting to make purchases. Thus, I left the store with a sober ‘goodbye’ each time. This went on for years..

One day I was at the music store and I was checking out the second-hand records that were on the floor. While I was on my knees searching for some odd Jazz records, my eyes noticed the boots she was wearing. I was mesmerized. She was wearing nice black leather boots, not kinky looking, but elegant and stylish. The perfect finish for female feet. There she was within arms reach, putting the empty CD boxes back in its place. Immediately, I stopped my search, forgot the records and stared at her boots. My hormones, dormant for some time, woke up……”Madam,” I said, “You make me nervous… in a pleasant way. I have a strong need to kiss your boots.” She giggled. Without a word she lifted her leg until her foot was right in front of my mouth. My heart skipped a beat. I started trembling.

Can I Lick Your Boots?

“Go ahead, lick my boots,” she said with a soft and friendly voice, “Don’t be afraid.”
I carefully took her leg with both hands hoping she wouldn’t notice I was shaking from excitement. I moved my nose close to the leather greedily taking in the smell. It was a pleasant mixture of leather, shoe polish and perfume. Then I started kissing her boot slowly and tenderly, carefully tasting the leather with the tip of my tongue. First near her toe, then I went up to towards her knee and down again to the toes. She giggled.

“You want to kiss the other one too?” Yes, Madam I do,” I said. “Yes, I’m sure you like that!” She put her leg on the floor and lifted the other one. I carefully took the other leg and kissed again. I was trembling and felt confused, although she seemed to appreciate my confusion. “Go on, kiss my boot, I love it!” she said with a giggle. I kissed her boot slowly and passionately. Everything else had become irrelevant. “I think you know to how to treat a woman…. The store is about to close in a few minutes, would you escort me home after I close the store?” This kinky woman made me an offer I couldn’t refused. “With pleasure  madam…!”

She Subtly Dominated Me

As we left the store I stretched my hand out to hold her hand. She looked into my eyes, smiled, and put her arm around my waist. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach. I wanted to kiss her and put my arms around her. I tried to gather my thoughts but it was difficult for me to find words to start a conversation. “That’s odd”, I thought, “I’m supposed to escort her but she’s leading me.” I still didn’t understand what was so special about her. I started think it was because she was more kinky that I thought she was.

She looked like an ordinary woman, but she was subtly dominating me. All I could do was follow her. “What’s your name,” I finally managed to ask her. “Margot. And yours?” She looked at me with a smile. Her eyes were glittering. “Brian…. Funny I had a girlfriend named Margot in junior high school. When we were about 13 years. But I realized I was a boy and the friendship stopped. Boys played with boys and girls played only with girls in those days…..”Margot giggled and squeezed my thigh.

Our First Kiss

We soon found out we were friends in junior high school. “I had a strange feeling I’ve met you before…”Her hand slipped under my shirt and I felt her fingers on my skin. She made noises of approval. My head was light, I carefully grabbed her by the shoulder. Like two adolescents in their first love affair we walked the streets. “What would you do if I undressed you?” She whispered. Her hand was now probing my cock. “I think I would give you a very, very long kiss. A really passionate French kiss…” She giggled and said “O.K., but remember, kissing me might have severe consequences!” She smiled and giggled and squeezed my skin between her fingers.

The door was barely closed before she pulled me into her apartment and took my clothes off exposing my cock. Soon, her hands were moving over my skin squeezing it from time to time. I carefully put my hands on her shoulder and pulled her gently towards me. This kinky woman pressed her body against mine. With each breath she took, I felt her breast moving against my chest. Our mouths met and we kissed. I was shaking from excitement as her tongue found mine. After a few minutes her hand slid down my chest and gripped my balls. She squeezed hard. I wanted to scream but I continued kissing her. My will drained out of my body, my arms got weak. She dominated me. Finally, she turned around and guided me with her hand on my balls to the living room. She smiled and giggled.

Tied To The Bed

She pushed me down on my knees as she sat on the couch. I immediately started to kiss her boots but she grabbed my hair and pulled me towards her. Then she put her legs on my back and pushed my face under her skirt. She moved her panties to the side and I could feel her juices on my face. I licked her juices. I had not tasted a woman for over ten years and her juices were all over me. She moaned and screamed, my tongue went wild. I was shaking and shivering. Suddenly her juices flowed all over my face….

The next morning as I woke up, I noticed I couldn’t move. My hands and feet were tied to the bed to the point where I couldn’t even move my fingers to probe the knots. Margot was sitting beside me, smiling. I immediately started getting a hard on. She giggled. “How does it feel to be mine? I warned you about the danger of kissing me. Now I will keep you here for a while, perhaps forever!” She giggled, stroked my cock and squeezed my balls softly. “Oh, that thing is growing again, how sweet!… ” She threw her leg over me and sat on my chest. She pulled her panties down and started grinding my chest.

Your Masturbation Problems

“I’m not afraid you will leave. You’d stay with me for ever, wouldn’t you? But I think you would touch yourself as soon as I leave to go to work. I want to have fun tonight and I want you to be ready. So rest up and get some sleep….” She smiled and moved forward pressing my face between her thighs. I licked her juices again. My god she tasted so good! Her juices were so sweet! When she climaxed, she stood up and put her panties on. “I will try to find a solution to your masturbation problems so you keep my house clean and tidy when I am at work….”

“So…. I have to stay tied to the bed all day until you arrive?” “Yes, I’m sure you don’t mind….” She said with a giggle, “Do you?” She said as she stroked my cock making me hard again. “No, I don’t mind, but what if I need to pee? It’s Thursday and the store closes at 8pm tonight… I don’t want to make a mess on your bed.” “Ahhh… how thoughtful of you!” She stood up to get a gardenhose and a bowl. “Make that thing smaller so I can slip the hose over it!” She laughed as she squeezed my penis trying to push it into the hose. But the more I refused to be caged in a garden hose, the harder and bigger my penis got. “Make it small now, I have to go to work….”

Caged In A Garden Hose

“I’m sorry Margot, my cock is out of control when you’re around.” Margot stood up and came back with a wet towel and ice cubes. She took my cock and wrapped it with the wet towels and ice cubes inside. As I started to feel coolness of the ice cubes on my dick I started to lose my hard on. Margot managed to push my penis in the hose and secure it with duct tape. Then she gave me a kiss and left the house. Funny, I don’t mind being tied up at all. It feels  pleasant and secure in a strange way. Maybe this is my way of proving my love for her. So, I did what I was told to do earlier. I laid in bed tied up….. and I slept.

To Be Continued….

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1 thought on “The Kinky Woman At The Store (1)”

  1. The kinky Woman at the store. Nice short story. Looking for more on this one. The author is very good. Hopefully, Patrice is well published or should be for her Femdom stories and or books. Thumbs up in my book or should I say cock up. LOL Bill

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