A Kinky Woman I Met

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How My Summer Changed When I Met This Kinky Woman

It was only 9 am but already pretty warm outside. I didn’t care though, I needed my coffee. I was at a little coffee and tea shop in a tourist town. I’d been here before. I enjoyed people watching as they started their shopping day. Maybe weird as well, but I enjoyed watching and listening to people as they ordered their drinks and sweet treats.

I was picking out who might be a tourist and who might be a native when I saw her walk in. My gaze was immediately fixed. Black hair, dark eyes, long legs, powerful stature. A bit warm out for the leather top she was wearing I thought. I liked it though, she filled it out nicely.

kinky woman

Does She Notice Me Staring At Her?

kinky womanI kept watching as she stepped up to the counter and placed her order, a blackberry chai latte with an extra shot of expresso. Did she sense my gaze? She turned quickly and looked directly at me, eyes piercing right through me. Surprised, I lowered my eyes to my coffee cup and took a drink. I kept staring at my cup for what seemed like several minutes. Not being able to stand it anymore, I looked in the direction of the counter and there she was.

Standing right at my table, drink in hand, she looked right through me and said “hi”. I cleared my throat and in a trepid voice said “hi” back to her.

“I was wondering when you were gonna look up at me again”, she said. “Oh, I guess you saw me looking at you huh?” “Yes I did”, she said. She sat down at the table, still holding her drink, and looked at me for a moment.

She Is No Ordinary Woman

The silence was a bit awkward but I didn’t know what to say. She struck me as bold and confident and knowing what she wanted. She said she could tell I wasn’t a regular around here, and I agreed. “Here to do a little hiking?” she asked. “Yes, Ma’am!” I replied. “Good, you seem to have manners. How are you at taking orders?” The gleam in her dark eyes when she asked that question confirmed for me that she was no ordinary woman.

I had been struggling recently with who I was, what it is about me that is so attracted to a strong, kinky woman. Why I have these seemingly out of nowhere desires as of late for a kinky woman. Maybe she wasn’t a woman with the look you’d find on the cover of one of those silly magazines in the checkout line, but I was already thinking she was better, sexier. A kinky woman I would love to get to know better. Was this chance to encounter an opportunity to not just learn more about her, but about myself?

“For you Ma’am, I can’t imagine any order being too extreme.“ That’s a good answer, but you may have undiscovered limits. I love to discover a man’s limits and push him to the very edge of what he thinks he is capable of.” Once again her eyes looked right through me. I was captivated. It was as if she somehow knew me. I was more than ready for her first order…

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