Kidnapped by a Dominant Woman to Become Her Submissive – Part 1

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Dominant Women

The Announcement

Everything started from a simple announcement: “Unmarried and dominant woman seeks submissive slave for daily domestic tasks and servitude at her feet in exchange for accommodation.”

How could I have suspected that I was soon to be kidnapped?

As a simple student, an eighteen-year-old boy, I had been looking for housing for two months and was beginning to despair. However, this announcement titillated me and immediately attracted my attention. I can not explain it because I was not especially versed in submission, although I had already happened to play naughty games with some friends, based on handcuffs and cloth headbands over my eyes .

I contacted the author of the announcement by telephone and humbly presented myself. She told me that it would be a one-year contract to sign and that it would be impossible for me to break it.

  • “Are you aware of what you are engaging in?” She asked.


  • “Yes Madam”

The First Encounter with this dominant woman

I really did not know. I imagined that it would be merely a sexual “delirium,” but I was far from the truth. Far from thinking that I was going to become less than a human, under the feet of my landlady, a dominant woman.

We agreed to meet two days later in a park. I waited for a few minutes, sitting on a bench, and then saw her arrive.

She was beautiful. About forty years old, black hair tied in a strict bun on the top of the skull, shapes seductive under tight jeans and a leather jacket. She plunged her green eyes into mine and I had the impression of being a prey near a predator.

  • “My name is Samantha,” she said.


  • “And me, Jonathan.”


  • “Never mind,” she interrupted me. At my service, you will no longer have the right to bear a name, if not the one I would choose for you.”


  • “Very well, Madame.”

Madame’s Questionnaire


She smiled at me with an affable air.

  • “What are you studying?”


  • Literature, Madame.


  • Good … I would arrange that they do not encroach too much on your life as a slave.


  • Hum … Excuse me but … Your ad was rather blurry. What do you mean by “slave”?


  • “Oh, do not worry … Pass the broom, do the dishes … Relieve me of a lot of work!”

I was reassured. That it was not going to be so terrible. I was going to become a manservant, which did not excite me enormously, but at least I would have a roof over my head and then … This woman was extremely seductive. If I managed to charm her … After all, had she not inscribed “bachelor” in her announcement, a sign that everything was possible?


  • “You live alone?”


  • “Yes Madam. My parents live at the other end of France. I am totally independent. In any case, we have almost no contact. We hardly call each other once a year.”


  • “Excellent”.

Discovering My New Home


We talked about everything and nothing for a long time before she invited me to come to her house. I came by car, so the ride was fast. She lived in a large and luxurious house, surrounded by a vast garden that is surrounded by high walls of old stone. A kind of family manor, perhaps.

The place was very quiet, on the outskirts of town. Nobody in the streets apart from a cat lounging under a car and an old lady slowly crossing the sidewalk, twenty meters away. Samantha beckoned me to follow her.

It was warmer inside and I warmed up quickly. It was really beautiful. The decorations testified to the riches of my landlady.

She served me a cup of tea and went away as I sat in a large red leather armchair. It was not my mistake to drink it. No sooner had I soaked my lips than I felt my head turn and the world tumbled around me. I collapsed all the way down the floor and heard the cup break, striking the floor next to me. The hot touch of the tea that lay around my head on the wooden slats was the last of the sensations I remembered before I fainted.

Enclosed in a Cage by the dominant woman


dominant woman


When I awoke, the first thing that jumped to my eyes was the bars of the cage in which I was curled up. A second … bar?

I turned my head, panicked, and saw Samantha, sitting on a black sofa three meters from me. She wore a more casual outfit and loose hair. Legs crossed, she obviously did not notice at all and read a magazine.

I moaned and tried to move but in vain. Space was far too limited. At least, the noise I made prompted Samantha to look up at me.

  • “Oh, you woke up.”


  • “What did you do to me ?!”


  • “A simple sleeping pill, calm down. Only two hours have elapsed.”


  • “What do you want from me?”


  • “In your opinion?”

She sighed.


  • “If you’re here, it’s to become my slave.” Not a simple subject as you meet on dating sites, no. A real sexual slave. And this, for life.”


  • “Wait … what?”


  • “It has always been my fantasy. Remove a man and reduce him to the state of real slavery, at my service. From it, he becomes my toy, my object. That’s what I’m gonna do with you. In a very painful way, if you resist, of course. You see, the problem with the submissives is that when you abuse them or use them for something, you have to worry about their cravings and their limitations. But I want to be able to do what I want with you, without worrying about what you think.”


  • “You are sick!”


  • “Your reaction is normal. I would train you to change as you go.”


  • “Get me out of here!”


  • “I will do it. But first of all, let me warn you that you have something around your neck.”

The Electric Collar


Painfully, I twisted in two to touch my neck. I felt something so very cold and metal. A necklace.

  • “It’s not just a necklace,” Samantha explained to me, guessing my thoughts. It’s a very expensive electronic device that I bought last week. Do you see that bracelet I have on my wrist? And that little button, above? Well if I press there, you will receive a very painful electric shock. Its intensity will depend on the strength with which I push and believe me, I will not hold back. Finally, you’ll soon realize it. By the way, the door of the cage is open, you know?”

Without waiting, I kicked it. Indeed, it opened without any effort. As I rolled over myself, I managed to get out, get up and run towards the door at the back of the room, hopefully, an exit. I absolutely had to escape from this woman. But I did not have time to take three steps as an icy discharge crossed my back. Paralyzed, I fell on the ground and banged my forehead, making a severe bump.

  • “For information,” said Samantha, with a touch of amusement in her voice, “it corresponds to a light discharge.” Now, do you see: You can come back gently to me crawling on the ground, or you can try a second escape. But this time I would not be satisfied with a light discharge. You’ll feel it this time.”

My Life Has Changed Completely!


I did ‘t know if she was bluffing. It was probable. But I did not have the guts to provoke her. Scared and shocked, I obeyed her order and approached her by crawling on the ground. She looked pleased.

  • “I’m” reasonably “sadistic, Jonathan. This means that I love for you to suffer, and I can guarantee you that you will suffer. Now if you are wise, you obey me without bothering and you satisfy all my fantasies, then I would never punish you More than necessary.”

I kept silent, not knowing what to say. Yesterday I was a young student with a future, and today I was condemned to serve at the behest of a mad woman, as a submissive slave. My life was going to change … But no, there was probably some hope, for me to escape and remove this damn necklace. At one time or another, I would enjoy an opening and …

Beginning of Dressage for the Submissive Slave


She slammed her heel to the ground.

  • “On your knees, now. I’ll start your submissive slave training!”

I obey.

  • “Get undressed completely. That’s how you’ll spend the rest of your life. Naked as a dog should be. I want to be able to admire your body at leisure.”

I took off my T-shirt first, then my pants and socks. There was nothing left but my underpants and it was taken away too. Ashamed, I wanted to cover my penis with my hands but Samantha tapped again on the floor.

  • “You will have to get used to not being modest in front of me, slave. Keep your hands apart.”

That done she pointed her finger at me.

  • “On your knees. This will be your basic position when you are not on the move, and when you do, it will always be on all fours.”


  • “Yes…”


  • “Yes who?”


  • “Yes Madam.”


  • “No, Mistress.”

And she slapped me.

  • “I listen.”


  • “Yes mistress.”


To be continued.

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