Change Of Femdom Goddess Ownership

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My Introduction to Femdom Ownership

femdom goddessI’ve been owned by my Femdom Goddess for two years now and She has taught me many things during my time under Her. I was a total novice when She first allowed me to serve Her but She wasted no time in turning me into Her bitch. On my very first day of serving Her, I was stripped, plugged, and fucked with a strap-on. It was an incredible introduction to my new life as Her property. Our sessions ranged from pleasant ones where she would order me to lick her until she came to more abusive ones where I would be stripped, collared, spanked, and fucked hard with a strap-on.

Then she would put me to work while she napped or went out with Her Friends. When She returned, She would have a gentle play session with me. Sometimes during these sessions, I might even be allowed to wank myself off as I pleasured Her orally. On the other end of the spectrum, when she arrived, I would be fitted with my collar and leash at the front door while she insulted me and dragged me to whatever room She wanted and had her way with me.

There was no time wasted in getting my arse ready for Her fun as She pushed me, face down on the bed or chair, and ordered me to spread my cheeks as She forced Her strap-on into me. When my Femdom Goddess was finished with Her fun, I was given my orders for the day. In previous writings, I’ve described how my Femdom Goddess would sometimes rent me out to her friends or have me serve other Women. She even had me pay a debt from a bet she lost by allowing her two female friends to fuck me.

All Women Are My Superiors

Goddess had taught me to treat all Women as my superiors and I naturally accepted any Woman She had me serve as my Owner. I was told to allow them to do anything They wanted to me without question, but She assured me that They were told never to harm me, only hurt me. Anyway, recently, my sessions with other Women had started to become more frequent and Goddess eventually told me why. She is moving to the States for work and would be gone for at least two years!!!

I was devastated! What would I do without Goddess in my life? She WAS my life! I told Her that I would wait but She said that the reason for the increased sessions with other Women was to find a new Owner for me. Foolishly, I asked Her if I would be allowed to choose my new Owner. I was standing, naked, in front of Her as She sat in Her favorite chair. She reached out and grabbed my cock and balls and slowly twisted them, then pulled on my leash to bring my face down to Hers. She spat in my face and told me in no uncertain terms that I would have no say whatsoever in the matter and to shut the fuck up.


Kim, My New Femdom Goddess

I started to wonder who I would be given to? There were several women that I would love to be given to and two that I did not. Those women were old, fat, and brutal. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when a Woman throws me around and uses me like a cheap, dirty whore, or when I’m made to do chores. The humiliation and thrill of being made to be a Woman’s bitch is intoxicating, but these two were just nasty.

I discovered who my new Owner was going to be when I went to serve Goddess one weekend. This was always a special treat for me, being allowed to serve from Friday to Sunday night which gave Goddess plenty of time to put me through my paces. When I arrived, the door was answered by a young girl of around 20, who just said: “Follow me!”

My New Goddess Is Learning How To Dominate Me

I was confused as Goddess normally lets me in but the girl’s training kicked in and I did as she told me to do. Following her into the lounge, I found Goddess there. You will take your orders from Kim (not Her real name) today. She said and nodded to Her to take control of me. Kim then told me to strip and crawl to Her feet. I didn’t know what to feel. I’m 60 and Goddess is around 52 and here I was with a Girl a third of my age ordering me around.

I did as I was told and waited at Kim’s feet. She seemed unsure of what to do next until Goddess told Her to fit my collar and leash. Goddess then made me stand up, turn my back to Kim, and spread my legs apart. She then told Kim to plug me, it was very painful and humiliating. She didn’t seem to know what She was doing. Goddess told Her that She could do anything She wanted with me as I was now Her property! What???

femdom goddess

Kim Was Having Fun Ordering Me Around

Goddess had met Kim at a Dominatrix event and She was like a niece to Goddess. She decided that I would be perfect for Kim to learn on as She knew that Kim would be safe with me as I would never harm a Woman and now treated all Women with the utmost respect. Goddess would only be a phone call away if Kim needed advice on what to do to me.

So that was that. I had been given to Kim. The rest of the weekend was spent with Goddess giving Kim advice on being a Domme and then letting Her put it into practice on me. Kim started off a bit unsure of Herself but soon found Her feet and took great delight in playing with Her new toy, namely me! She ran me ragged that night and I was glad when I was placed in my cage. She wasn’t cruel but She was just having fun ordering me around.

My New Owner Fucks Me For The First Time

I did enjoy being made to lay across Her lap as She spanked me for the first time. The next morning I was let out of my cage by Kim and made breakfast for both my dominant women. After They finished, I cleared up and Goddess said She was going out and would be back late Sunday night. It was to be my first time with my new Owner. Kim made me stand in front of Her as She decided what to do. “I’ve never fucked a man with a strapon before, so I’m going to fuck you! Bend over that chair you worthless cunt! ” To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

There was no easing me into it. She just fitted the strapon, gave me a little lube and then proceeded to fuck the life out of me. She was insatiable. After she finished fucking me, She dragged me to a table and made me kneel on it as She fucked me again. Then I was ordered onto my back. She fucked me, bent over me and spat on my face, insulted me, pulled on my leash, grabbed my cock, and used it to pull me into Her. My young Femdom held my legs apart in the air. I was in heaven!

Serving Her While She Tormented And Abused Me

When She finished She had me make Her coffee and told me to do my chores. Goddess had shown Her stash of toys and Kim decided that I should have my remote cock shock fitted. She had fun using it and reveled in the power it gave Her. I never knew when or how painfully I was going to be called to Her. This went on all day until I was eventually allowed into my cage, but only after She told me to lick Her and make Her cum.

I slept soundly that night and woke up early, eager and nervous at the prospect of what lay ahead. When She came downstairs to let me out, She told me to expect more of the same treatment and then grabbed my cock and lead me to the bedroom. She then told me to make the bed and then breakfast while She showered. The rest of the day was spent with Her thinking of new ways to torment and abuse me.

Kim Finally Takes Possession Of Me

I think She discovered a sadistic side that She didn’t know She had. That day I was hogtied, spanked, gagged and caned. I had just about every butt plug and dildo that Goddess possessed forced into my mouth and arse. I was fucked senseless and made to wait on Kim’s hand and foot or ordered to carry out menial tasks while She mocked me. It was a relief when Goddess finally returned home.

Goddess asked how I performed and Kim said that She would be happy to take possession of me, so it was official, I had a new Owner. This was the last weekend with Goddess. She left on Wednesday after an all-day session of fucking me and reminding me I was her property and she could do whatever she wanted with me. She rewarded me by allowing me to wank myself off in front of Her before She threw me out that night. I’m due to serve Kim at Her flat for the first time this Friday.

I can’t wait!!!

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2 thoughts on “Change Of Femdom Goddess Ownership”

  1. Is it true that a slave can be secretly proud of its value as a thing to be sold by its Owner to a new Owner? One thing is certain: the slave had better not find out that it is a valuable commodity. Because if a slave believes it is not a worthless piece of shit — if its Mistress doesn’t reinforce that idea often, the animal will become difficult to manage. Re-educating it to proper humility will be a task that no Mistress really should have to endure. Unless, that is, She is clever enough to make it an amusing sort of game. If Mistress truly enjoys humiliating, punishing and torturing Her slave property, then that’s another story!
    The clever slave (if such a thing is possible) will take every opportunity to debase itself to its Owner. Groveling, licking feet and boots, thanking Her for every small attention, even each painful lash of Her whip, will accomplish one of two goals — or maybe both of them! She probably believe that Her slave really believes it is the lowest form of life that ever existed — and She believes it, too, of course. Mistress will likely also understand that She has perfect freedom to abuse, torture, and degrade this sub-human worm crawling at Her feet in new and ingenious ways. She will, in short, take great pleasure in making Her slave suffer unbelievably, and enjoy every sadistic moment of Her endless flogging, caning, kicking, trampling and whipping, then sneer in disdain as it thanks Her for Her generous gift of pain.

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