A no-limit session with a Dominatrix in Berlin (2)

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A no-limit session with a Dominatrix in Berlin (1)

And then the Dominatrix left the room (or at least went out of sight of the cameras).

My body convulsed with every shock, every two seconds. I was a slave to the electricity which I feared was so strong that it would kill me. But all that it was, was pain. Unbelievable pain, even worse than the ball kicking had been.

It seemed to go on forever. It was not a turn-on, even for a masochist like me, but true torture.

Then, suddenly, the pain stopped. I had been so caught up in my agony that I had not heard Mistress X, the Dominatrix, return. She removed the sound and the clamp that had been crushing my ball. I was still erect.

She told me that the only way to get me to lose my erection was to make me cum. But that she practiced chastity in her slaves. So I would be punished very severely for making her go against her principles. It was only going to get worse from here.

Released from the bondage

She began to give me a hand job. Strangely, it did not take me long to cum. In anticipation of this session, I had not masturbated for over a month. I came copiously, many thick strands of cum bursting out of the head of my cock. Mistress, unseen to me, had a small glass, catching every single bit of spunk that had issued forth out of me.

She released me from my bondage, including my thumb cuffs. I collapsed onto the wooden floor. The Dominatrix warned me not to resist her. But I could not have resisted anything just then. I felt entirely broken.


I was on my back. She partially unzipped the hood but did not remove it entirely. She only raised it so that she could take the gag out of my mouth. I still could not see what was going on. I was told to open my mouth. She poured the spunk into my mouth, telling me to swallow all of it, or she would castrate me. I believed her. I swallowed down all of my salty spunk, feeling very humiliated in doing so.

She told me that I was to keep my mouth open and that she was going to give me something to wash it down. Then, she pissed into my wide-open mouth. She stopped just before her bitter piss overflowed, and ran onto the floor. I was ordered to swallow, which I did. Then she began pissing again. She filled my mouth three times with her warm piss.

Been told to eat her “caviar”

She moved to place her anus hovering a little over my mouth. I was told to eat her “caviar”, just before a little turd dropped out of her arsehole into my open mouth. I chewed and swallowed. It was the most disgusting thing that I had ever eaten. Somehow I managed to keep it down. The Dominatrix warned me not to throw up, as I would choke to death on my vomit. Then she put the gag back in my mouth and secured the leather hood again.

I still had an erection, despite having cum. the Viagra had kept the blood in my cock. Suddenly, I was dragged up off the floor, and taken over to an X-frame. I was buckled into it. I was too out of it to resist; and had I not been buckled in then I would have collapsed onto the floor.

That is when I was informed that post orgasm, my glans would be even more sensitive than before. I was told that because my cock was disobedient, that the next torture would be there.

Next, it was needles. Mistress X began with the shaft. Unlike some needleplay films that I have seen, the needles did not go just through a little bit of surface flesh. No, they went right through the meat of my cock, until they point exited from the other side. Needles were pushed all through the shaft of my cock, until I looked like some bizarre porcupine. All that I could do was groan. I was beyond screaming into the gag.

There must have been dozen of needles forced through my cock. But it still wasn’t as bad as the electricity had been. Maybe it had somehow numbed my nerve endings.

Intense pain because of the needles!

That was not the case when she began pushing needles through my glans. Having cum, it was very sensitive, and the pain was intense. I felt every millimeter of every needle. Half a dozen needles were pushed through the head of my cock. I felt sick with the pain. And then she began on my balls.

My balls were still held out from my body by the collar which she had fastened onto my scrotum. They were utterly defenseless. And she took advantage of that fact, to slowly force a needle into my left testicle. It was a pain like no other. I feared that permanent damage might occur. But I was the idiot who had insisted on a no-limits session. With my mouth full of the taste of shit, and a ball gag, I couldn’t even beg for the mercy which would not have been granted.

Needle after needle pierced my testicles. You can see each one going in, in close-ups, in the video. There was not as much blood as I had expected. Eventually, though, she ran out of needles. I hung there, on the cross, feeling like St Sebastian, pierced by arrows from those Roman soldiers.

She played with the needles, wiggling them around. That was painful, too, and she delighted in it. She kept talking to me in German. But, with my head full of agony, I had forgotten what little German I had known. They were painful when she dragged them out, as well.

Some regrets about asking for a no-limit session!

She was not finished with me, not by a long way. There was a ring on the collar holding my balls tightly at the end of my scrotum. She added weights to that ring, dragging my poor, tortured balls down. By doing that it caused my still-erect cock not to be vertical, but to be dragged down until it was horizontal, pointing out at the room. It was a perfect target if you were a sadistic German domme.

I heard the swish of the cane before I felt it. In a lot of BDSM videos, you will see people tapped with the cane, leaving no mark at all. This wasn’t like this. She was intent on causing serious damage.

The first swish of the cane on the shaft of the cock caused me to scream into the ball gag yet again. The cane hit near where my cock became my belly, so to speak. She slowly caned along the length of my cock. She had perfect aim. I guess that she had used the cane a lot in the past. The strokes were almost overlapping. She subjected my entire cock to the cruel caning.

On the video you can see that the marks came up pretty quickly, purple-blue along the upper length of my cock. Each cruel stroke was like a line of drawn fire. This cruel Dominatrix carried on until she reached my frenum. I hoped that she would spare my ultra-sensitive glans, but of course, she did not. She did not even lessen the viciousness of the strokes.

This Dominatrix loves inflicting pain on stupid submissives like me.


The first stroke on my glans felt more like a red-hot poker. Not only did it raise marks, but it drew a little blood. It was joined by half a dozen more until my glans were bleeding in several places. And you know what? I was still hard.

The Dominatrix threw away the bloody cane, in disgust that she had failed to whip my cock into submission. Then she lit up a cigarette. I heard the flick of the lighter, and I guessed what was going to come next, and just where the cigarette torture would be inflicted.

She knelt in front of me. Her eyes were bright. You can see her face in the video. She loves inflicting pain on stupid submissives like me. First, she started on my balls, just touching the skin briefly, where the blood was, burning my wounds shut. She didn’t hold the cigarette on the skin for too long, not inflicting severe burns.

Then she worked her way along my cock, following the path which had been taken by the cane. I think that she expected me to finally lose my erection. But not yet. She kept stabbing me with the glowing end of the cigarette, all along the shaft. She touched the cigarette to the flesh, then took a drag of the cigarette, then touched the ember to my flesh again.

All the while she was chatting to me in German. I’ve translated that bit, and she was saying that cigarette torture was one of her favorite things to do to a cock, as the pain lasts for ages. It’s not like a cane impact where the pain quickly fades to something manageable. Burning pain goes on and on.

An extreme measure!

She reached my glans, and my cock was still hard. She touched the glowing end of the cigarette all over my sensitive skin. It was bad. It was intense. But, looking back, it was also sexy. When I watch the video and masturbate I usually come when I watch her burning the end of my cock.

My cock was still hard, so this cruel Dominatrix decided on an extreme measure. She got a bit of cloth and, using the fingers of one hand, she opened up my pisshole as much as she could. She wiped away all of the moisture there. Then she put the end of the cigarette in my pisshole and proceeded to smoke the cigarette like that. I screamed and fainted.

When I came around I was still hanging from the X-frame. But my cock had finally admitted defeat. Either that or the Viagra had finally worn off. Anyway, the Dominatrix was holding a handful of ice on my cock, to make it shrink down as much as possible. When it did, she got out a metal device. It was the smallest cock cage which I had ever seen. She told me that she was going to make sure that I did not get hard again – or, that if I did, it would be painful for me.

She fitted the cage around my cock. It went on around my balls, as well, making sure that it couldn’t slip off. My cock only just fitted in the thing. And the worst thing was, as that there was a little hollow metal tube that fitted in my burned urethra so that the cage didn’t have to be removed to piss. Well, I thought that the tube was the worst thing about it.

Viagra given by this cruel Dominatrix

Had I been able to see it I would have known how wrong I was.

There were lots of little holes in the device. They were screw holes. You could have tiny, flat-headed screws, which would press into the flesh of the penis, and be extremely painful if you got anything approaching an erection.

But the ones which the Dominatrix used were pointed. She used a screwdriver to fill every little hole with the screws, tightening them so that they indented my flesh, without quite piercing the skin. They pressed in all over my cock. There were at least half a dozen of them pressing into my poor, tortured glans.

Next, she put on a shiny cover on the device, totally sealing my cock away. A tiny padlock ensured that it would not come off.

She undid the lower part of my mask, and put a couple of pills in my mouth. She gave me a sip of water from a glass and told me that they would help. I thought that she was giving me painkillers, so I swallowed the pills. It was only after I had swallowed them that she told me that she had given me Viagra and that I had better concentrate on not having my cock get hard again if I didn’t want it to get impaled. I knew that, on top of the Viagra which I had taken earlier in the day, that there was no way that my cock would remain soft.

Time to get into some serious whipping!

I was released from the X-frame. I was helped over to one of those gym horse things, and chained over. The Dominatrix was finished with the cock torture, apart from what would be my self-inflicted pain in the spiked cock cage. Now it was time to get into some serious whipping. And that was what she did. She got down a black, leather bullwhip, and proceeded to tear up my back and buttocks.

It was excruciating. But I was drifting in and out of consciousness, as I fainted several times during the whipping. Whenever I did she would hold some smelly chemical thing under the nostrils of the hood until she was sure that I was conscious again.

The whipping went on for ages. I think that she paused for around a minute between strokes, and there were a lot of strokes. I lost track of time. It felt as though I was whipped for days, even though I knew that that was impossible. On the video, it lasts for around forty minutes.

Eventually, it ended. She put the bullwhip away. Then the Dominatrix strapped on a massive strap-on, bigger than anything which I had ever taken in the arse before. She greased the end and slowly and painfully raped my anus. It was painful just having my anus spread wide enough to get that rubber monstrosity inside of me. But that was nothing compared to when she began fucking me with the thing.

The end of the video but not of the session!

She kept going, back and forth, trying to open me up. With each thrust a tiny bit more of the strap-on disappeared into me. She kept going until my anus was pressed down on the fake balls of the device. She kept fucking me for around twenty minutes. Then she released me.

By then the pain from my cock was far worse than from my arse. My cock had got as hard as it could, and the heads of the screws were buried in my flesh. It felt like a hamburger.

It is there that the video ends. But the visit was not quite over. She released me from all of my bondage, taking off the hood and everything else. When she took off the cock cage she had to pull the ends of the screws out of my cock. Blood leaked out of the holes, and my cockhead was in a very bad condition. But that did not stop my released cock from springing to attention again.

Then she said something odd, in English. She said that I had a light body, and it could work. She asked if I wanted to come again. But, this time, it would be in her mouth, and she would swallow.

Of course, I said yes. I was an idiot, and I didn’t know the circumstances in which I would be allowed to cum. The thumb cuffs went on again, my hands behind my back.

Hauled up into the air, suspended by my neck, by this cruel Dominatrix!

Then, as I stood in the center of the room, a noose went around my neck. I didn’t like this. Was this Dominatrix intending to kill me? But she told me that she had done this before. I was not in a position to do anything, by then.

A pulley was operated, and I was hauled up into the air, suspended by my neck. Immediately my breath was cut off, and I began to see stars, as the room began to darken. Her lips closed on my erect cock. She gave me the best suck of my life, as I gasped for breath. I think that it all lasted no more than a minute. I came into her mouth. And I fainted, not for the first time that day.

When I came around I was lying on the wooden floor. The thumb cuffs had been removed. But I was back in a cock cage. This one was different, though, being larger than the other. It had sharp studs on the inside of the bars, rather than screws. It had another annoying tube inside my urethra so that I could easily piss with it on. And it was padlocked in place.

Mistress X told me that the session was at an end. But she said that she had liked playing with me and that she wanted me to come back or more torture. She had so many other items: her ball-crusher, her sandpaper, and her branding irons. She said that if I came back next week that she would take off the cock cage. Otherwise, she said, she would melt the key down.

Of course, I went back. But that is a different story.



Toilet Slave Breaks Masturbation Rule

Very sexy Christmas Mistress candy cane lips…


1 thought on “A no-limit session with a Dominatrix in Berlin (2)”

  1. Very good personal experience piece, straightforward and no nonsense. Thank you, “Lucky” for sharing the account. You should get a small royalty for every copy of that tape “Mistress X” sells … maybe take it out in trade?

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