Where’s All The Good Femdom Porn?

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Where’s All The Good Femdom Porn?

femdom porn

Once you get me started on the topic of porn, I can’t stop. And this time I have a bone to pick with femdom porn. Or, more specifically, why isn’t there more of it, or more of what I like?

First, a little lesson for the vanillas. “Femdom” is what it sounds like: dominant women. No, not nagging women. Women who are in control of their partners, possibly sadistic, and anywhere on the spectrum from generous and nursing (yes, sometimes that kind of nursing) to cold-hearted evil Goddess bitch. It usually implies dominance over men, but quite frankly, a Domme can (consensually) dominate whomever she damn well chooses, whether that’s men, women, naughty boys, little girls, genderqueers, transfolk, ladyboys, puppyboys…




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