Realistic Sex Dolls, Love Dolls, Toys

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I’ve owned a sex doll before. Between relationships, I got curious about that side of my sexuality. I found a cheap one for $500 on eBay. She was a brunette. B-cups. Athletic. Just lovely.

The sellers lived nearby. That’s right. Plural. A young couple had decided to sell theirs to raise money for their wedding. So I drove out there to pick up my purchase. They relieved all of my fears. No, I wasn’t sad and broken. I wasn’t a freak. I was perfectly normal.

Sex with my doll was great. I acquired some accessories, and we sailed away to paradise. Love with a doll doesn’t replace a partner. But it relieves a lot of stress. It can be difficult to bring up your sexual fetish with a new partner, but not with my doll.  I enjoyed my fetish sex a great deal.

Exploring my sexuality with a doll was probably more ethical than entangling someone in a relationship I didn’t intend to maintain. At the time, I just needed sex. No conversations. No date nights. Just an aesthetically pleasing body. Nothing else. No complications.


The rest of me was focused on my job. I didn’t have the emotional energy for a relationship.

How does sex with a doll feel? You’ll think I’m weird, but it felt just as good as any night with a real person. That’s because I didn’t want all the emotional attachment that comes with fucking one. So I didn’t miss the pillow talk, the cuddling, the sweet nothings. I’ll give my doll four stars. She was an extremely advanced form of masturbation.

How advanced? Imagine your best session multiplied by 20.

Still, I kept my doll for about three months before deciding to sell her. Too much anxiety. What if the pest control guy found her? Worse, what if he fucked her? Also, it wasn’t like I became celibate. I still brought dates home. I didn’t want to have that conversation if somebody found her.

I’m not sure I felt guilty, per se. But I did fear being judged. I shouldn’t have. If I’d grown more confident in my sexuality, I would’ve worried less. But how confident are any of us in our sexuality? All of us indulge in all kinds of strange fetishes and sexual fantasies. We worry about what others will think. Sex dolls are no different.

There’s nothing weird about owning a love doll. Most of us would if they were cheaper. A love doll costs about as much as a car. I’m talking about high-end models, like Celia, not the inflatable ones.

naked doll

sex doll


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