Fatale Femdom Tips and Warnings

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Don’t be a tell-all book

Fatale Femdom is known for mystery. You should open up to a man little by little make him work for the information he desires. He doesn’t need to know your entire childhood instead reveal little by little making the man fell like it’s the privilege that it is to get to know you.

  • Take your time, don’t put it all out there all at once, or your element of mystery will fade away. When the opportunity presents itself, you can talk about your childhood or your favorite hobby.
  • Always make sure that the man is sharing with you as well. He should be giving you more information then he’s receiving from you.

Femdom Tips

Never let a man determine your value

Never will a Fatale Femdom sit at home distraught cause her man won’t call her back, NO! Don’t let anyone ever get you down, she doesn’t let anyone tell her who she is. You can have fun playing or dating men or even falling in love with them but never let them determine your self – worth. Fatale Femdom knows that no one can get rid of their power.

Fatales Femdom have a healthy dose of confidence. Work on loving the person who you are becoming and work on accepting the things that you can’t change. If you are uncertain of yourself then you will be a much easier target for men to get you down on yourself.

If a guy hurts your feelings, let your emotions out, talk about it to a friend, and then move on. Don’t fight the feelings and allow that to hinder yourself from fully recovering. Once you deal with it you will kick the feelings of pain and inadequacy to the curb!

Be real. Follow the Femdom tips but don’t stray too far away from the real you.

Confident dominatrix holds two insecure men around her.

Have a charm about you, It’s not enough to just be “mysterious”. Mysterious human beings are very interesting you never know what they may know. They might know meaningful, famous quotes; speaking sultry, and a touch of aloofness; never being direct, desperate, or obnoxiously immature; you have a brain & you’re gonna need to use it now, and always be classy. You don’t ever want to be obnoxious or trashy. Never stand for all the fake and “commercial” behavior. Carry yourself with elegance and poise; remember every move you make is capable of seducing a man. Never concern yourself with the moral preoccupations of society: a Fatale Femdom is amoral; like the cat.

Remember meaningful, famous quotes like Kurt Cobain’s trademark quote “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.”

“Nothing in life is to be feared, but rather, understood.”

“When life sucks, it’s your karma. When you do something about it, it’s your mission.”

“If it’s wrong then I don’t want to be right.”

“People in hell want ice water.”

“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”


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  • – Do not be an “available” girl. A femme is always classy you are only available to yourself.
  • – The above quotes are typical and extremely commercial (Hollywood). This will work depending on the type of person you’re trying to attract and become.
  • – If you’d like to look deeper, find quotes by Darwin or Aristotle.
  • – Don’t be mean! Fatale Femdom generally ended up killing the man they love or destroying his life. Don’t be that Fatale femdom you can still be a femdom without being literally Fatale. If you can’t say something nice — find a better place to be.
  • – So to future Fatale femdom’s, be wise as to who you accept advice from. If you’d truly like to become a femme fatale, you should have a mind of your own, and develop your own ideas of what a fatal woman is. If you need a bit of guidance, observe footage of women from the 1920s; they knew what it was to be voluptuous and ALL women. Not all of them were oppressed housewives who hid behind their husbands.

Femdom Tips

Things You’ll Need

Eye-catching classy clothing, A mysterious allure, Deep voice, Great hair, Unique, memorable perfume, A mink fox or sable fur coat, Gloves [no fingerprints], A withering stare, Seamed stockings, High heels, Intelligence


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1 thought on “Fatale Femdom Tips and Warnings”

  1. Great tips. And I’d like to summarize: focus on yourself, on your development. Then everything will be fine.

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