Femdom Sasha Takes Control

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John Gets The Surprise of His Life

femdom sashaSasha started unlocking the front door of hers and John’s house, a smile on her face as thoughts of what’s about to happen tonight floated through her mind. When she finally opened the door, she shouted,

  • “John, are you home?”

When she didn’t hear a response back, the smile spread further across her face as she quickly rushed inside and closed the door behind her, hugging the bags she was carrying close to her chest.

Closing the door, she rushed up the stairs to their bedroom to get everything set up quickly. It took her about 30 minutes to undress and put on the new outfit she bought today, get her hair and make-up ready, set up in the bedroom, and check on her project in the basement. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long after that, as soon as she was coming up the basement stairs, she heard John’s car pulling in and stood at the top of the stairs.

Femdom Sasha Is Born

When she reached the top, the front door opened, and John’s mouth opened to say something, but when he saw Sasha standing at the top of the stairs in a black pvc corset and skirt that came just below her ass that hugged her curves perfectly and accentuated her 34 C breasts. She was also wearing fishnet stockings that were connected to black garters that ran up under her skirt. From the angle, John was at he couldn’t see under her skirt, but he didn’t think she was wearing any panties underneath all of that.

John could do nothing but stare as Femdom Sasha walked down the stairs, a devious smile on her lips as she drew closer. Sasha looked like one of the mistresses he had seen on the femdom tubes. When she stepped in front of him, she whispered,

  • “Do you like my outfit?”

The only thing John could do was nod his head, his eyes roaming all over her body, appreciating everything the pvc was hugging. She drew him in closer and right when she was about to kiss him, she whispered,

  • “Why don’t we go to the bedroom?”

John only nodded, liking where this was going.

Take Your Clothes Off

As Femdom Sasha was turning, she was turning the tie around his neck in her hands and dragging him up the steps using the tie like a leash. When they finally reached the bedroom, Sasha turned around, and as she did, John leaned in for a kiss, which she stopped with a finger pressed to his lips. John opened his eyes and stared at her inquisitively. With a smile, Sasha said,

  • “Not yet. First, take off all of your clothes.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, John stood up straight and immediately started taking off the button-down shirt, almost ripping it off with his tenacity. Then he undid his belt and his slacks and slid the slacks off with the belt still in the loop. All that he was standing in now was his boxers and his socks. When the belt hit the floor the boxers were already halfway down his legs, and he was bending down to take his socks off. When they were off, he was standing there, naked, his cock standing at attention.

Femdom Sasha Restrains John To The Bed

Femdom Sasha walked around him, inspecting every little bit of him that she could, and he stood there, appreciating every aspect of her that he could. When she got behind him, she pressed up against him, her breasts pressing against his back, her hot breath on the back of his neck, and she murmured,

  • “Close your eyes for me.”

He did as she commanded, not wanting to second guess anything in case this would all stop. She grabbed him by the waist and started directing him somewhere in the room. Normally he would be able to tell, but with all the thoughts flying through his head of all of the things they could do, he didn’t really care.

While he was still in his daze, Femdom Sasha stopped him at the foot of their bed, not making any sudden movements so as to not pull him out too quickly. She placed her hand on his back and slowly started pushing his upper body downwards until he formed a ninety-degree angle, so slow that he didn’t notice that he was bent. Then she grabbed his wrists and placed them in the middle of cuffs attached to the bedposts, and it wasn’t until the cuffs were locked that John snapped out of his daze.

  • “What are you doing?”

He asked, still keeping his eyes closed. With a smile in her voice, she replied,

  • “Making things interesting is all,”

Not caring to elaborate on anything just yet.

Femdom Sasha Leaves Him In The Room Restrained

John didn’t say anything but he knew something was about to happen and he wasn’t sure if he would like it or not. When his hands were cuffed and his ankles tied, she stood up and ran her finger around his waist, sending shivers throughout his body. After a couple of seconds, she patted his back and said,

  • “You wait here for a minute while I got to get something really quick.”

John turned his head to face her and asked,

  • “What? You’re just going to leave me here?”

He started opening his eyes, but Femdom Sasha held her hand over his eyes and said,

  • “Keep your eyes closed, and yes, I’m going to leave you here for a minute, but I will be right back, I promise.”

When she removed her hand, his eyes were closed and he didn’t say anything. Walking out of the room, a smile spreading across her face. She was gone for maybe a minute and a half, but she came back just like she promised. She didn’t say anything, but John felt her getting on the bed in front of him, and when she got herself settled, she said,

  • “Okay, now you can open your eyes.”

John turned his head to face her, and when he did, he was face to face with a black dildo two inches from his face.

femdom sasha

Suck This Cock!

The first words to come out of his mouth were,

  • “What the Fuck!” Sasha just calmly said,


  • “Now, now John, no need to speak like that in front of a femdom woman.”

John, still staring at the dildo in front of him, asked,

  • “Sasha, what’s going on? What are you doing?”

The only thing Sasha said is,

  • “John, the only thing you should concern yourself with right now is opening your mouth.”

John opened his mouth to ask her why but before the words came out of his mouth, Sasha shoved them back in with the dildo and got it as far in as she could before he started gagging.

When she got it in a couple of inches, she stopped to let him get adjusted to the member in his mouth. When he seemed to relax, she started to face fuck him, slowly at first, then picked up the pace a little bit when he adjusted to the tempo, but never taking on more than two inches. After three minutes of fucking him, she pulled out of his mouth a string of saliva connecting the tip of her cock to his mouth, which quickly fell apart as he coughed.

John’s Femdom Mistress Is Going to Give It To Him

She watched him as he coughed making sure he didn’t choke or anything and when he seemed okay, she slid off the bed to get behind him.

  • “What the fuck was that Sasha? Why are you doing this?”

He asked her again, his head swimming. She leaned over him, her cock nestled in between his ass cheeks, and she whispered,

  • “You and I both know you enjoyed that, even if you aren’t willing to admit it, I can tell you are enjoying it.”

He tried to turn his head back to face her and he said,

  • “What? No, I’m not.”

She gave him an inquisitive look and replied,

  • “Oh, you’re not? Then why is this thing so hard and wet then?”

John blushed but didn’t say anything, there was no point to, she was right. His dick is the hardest it’s ever been and so much precum was dripping out of him that he was leaving a small stain on the carpet. Femdom Sasha leaned in further and whispered,

  • “Besides, I’ve seen your browser history. I know how much you love those femdom tubes. You want a femdom mistress to fuck you with a strapon dildo.”

John’s eyes opened wide in shock and fear and stared at her, not sure what to say. She gave him a reassuring smile and said,

  • “Yes, and I still love you for it, in fact, I might love you even more for it. And I know you want this to happen, and I know that you won’t ask for it. So, I’m just going to give it to you.”

John smiled and murmured,

  • “Thank you.”

Sasha Preps His Asshole

A cruel smile spread across her lips as she said,

  • “Oh, you may not want to thank me just yet. After what I’m about to do to your ass you may regret ever looking up things like that again.”

Before John could say anything Femdom Sasha shoved a pair of her panties into his mouth and placed her hand over his mouth to keep them in there.

  • “No, I already let you say enough, now it’s time to have my fun.”

With that, she turned his head back forward and kept her hand over his mouth. She grabbed a bottle of lube that was on the bed next to John and put a good amount on the dildo and some on her finger as well. She placed her lubed finger next to John’s asshole and spread it around his entrance feeling him tense around his asshole. When he relaxed a little bit, she placed her finger on his entrance and pushed her finger into it making John gasp and arch his back.

Now Comes The Fun Part

  • “That’s it, baby, just breathe and enjoy the sensation like the slut you are,”

Sasha cooed enjoying this probably as much as John is. She looked down at his cock and smiled watching it throb from pleasure like it always does when they try something new. She pulled her finger out and leaned in further to him and whispered,

  • “Get ready baby, now comes the fun part.”

Then she stood up, grabbed her fake cock, and lined it up with his asshole placing the tip of her cock at the entrance to his asshole, and started slowly thrusting into him. John gasped with the panties in his mouth and lurched forward from being penetrated.

Sasha grabbed both of his hips and widened her feet a little bit more to keep her balance as she thrust further and further into him. She stopped every half an inch to let him get used to the cock in his ass. When her groin hit his ass, she let him get used to it as before and after a few seconds she said,

  • “Get ready baby, you’re fantasies are about to come to life.”

Then she started thrusting into him, slowly at first to build up a rhythm that was comfortable to both of them, then picked up the pace a little more. She was doing short quick thrusts into him, banging her groin into his ass over and over again. The sound of skin hitting skin combined with both of their moans of pleasures and the smell of her sex excited them terribly.

femdom sasha

Don’t Cum Until I Tell You To

She could feel him getting closer to cumming so she grabbed the base of his cock just under his balls and said,

  • “Don’t you dare cum until I tell you to,”

She ordered, still holding onto his cock. He didn’t say anything but the look on his face told her all she needed to know, he was about to cum, but he was holding it off for as long as he could, which won’t be for long.

She moved her other hand onto his cock and started sliding it up and down his cock, almost like she was milking a cow. The strain on his face was so clear and plain she almost felt sorry for him, almost. She nearly sang out,

  • “Remember, no cumming until I tell you too.”

John let out another moan of frustration, but he did as he was told and didn’t cum.

We Can Do This From Now On

After a few more thrusts she could see the agony on his face and she said,

  • “I’m going to count down from ten, after I say zero, you can cum but if you don’t, then I’m going to pull out and you’re going to have to wait to cum, so get ready,”

She said. When she saw his head move up and down she started counting down, each number followed by a thrust.

  • “Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…two…one…zero.”

As soon as the last word came out of her mouth, the largest load of cum spurted out of his cock almost coating the footboard of their bed. His body was shaking from all of the efforts the force of the orgasm took out of him.

When Femdom Sasha caught her breath she pulled out of John, took off the strap-on, and got on the bed. When she was face to face with John, she pulled the panties out of his mouth and asked,

  • “How are you doing?”

He gave her a tired smile and said,

  • “That was the hottest thing we’ve done in a long time.”

She gave him a smile and, while rubbing his cheek, she said,

  • “You know, we could do this permanently.”

John gave her an almost hopeful look and asked,

  • “Really?” She nodded her head and said, “Yes, but only if you want to.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, John nodded his head and said,

  • “Yes, I would more, I loved it.”

Sasha smiled and said,

  • “Good, well, let me untie you, then I can show you your new room.”

The Cock Cage

Femdom Sasha got off the bed and from where she was, John asked,

  • “New room?”

Sasha didn’t say anything she just undid John’s ankles and left one handcuff on John’s wrist and handcuffed it to the other one. When John turned around to face her she was standing up and walking over to the dresser. When she got what she wanted she walked back over to him, the item semi-hidden from his view. She was holding a chastity cage in front of him and said,

  • “Your new outfit for the house.”

Then she bent down in front of him and locked it around his softened cock.

She stood up again and grabbed his caged cock and led him out of the room with him following close behind her. They walked down the stairs to the basement with John still trying to ask questions, but Femdom Sasha still ignoring them. When they reached the basement door, Sasha unlocked it with a key, opened the door, and led John inside.

John’s New Room

John’s eyes widened in shock and amazement. The shock from all of the sex toys, various other contraptions hanging from the wall, and something from the ceiling. The amazement came from the fact that she was able to get all of this here and set it up without him ever knowing about it. She led him over to the corner and said,

  • “Since it’s getting late, we’ll start training tomorrow, so tonight, you’ll sleep in your bed.”

She led him to the corner of the room where a mattress was laying down on the floor with nothing else. Then he saw a chain snaking down from the wall and into the crevice between the mattress and wall.

Before he could ask, she led him to the wall and said,

  • “Keep your face here at all times, and stick your ass out as far as you can go, and don’t move at all.”

John did as she ordered, not wanting to risk getting punished by her. He stuck his ass out as far as he could while keeping his face to the wall, waiting for her to do whatever she was about to do.

The Pear Of Anguish

When he got himself positioned she walked over to the mattress and reached in between the crevice and grabbed the object and walked back over to him. It wasn’t even a minute later when he felt pressure against his asshole again, which caused him to gasp and tense up, which she immediately stopped. He held his breath as the object penetrated his asshole, getting larger and larger, then getting narrower again.

When she stopped pushing it into him, he let out some air, which he didn’t know he was holding, but quickly breathed back in. The object was getting bigger and bigger in him and he was about to freak out when it stopped. He turned back to Femdom Sasha and gave her an inquisitive look. She gave him a reassuring smile and said,

  • “It’s called the pear of anguish.”

His curious look turned to fear, but she continued,

  • “It’s supposed to get bigger inside of you, I lock it into place and as long as it’s inside of you and tied to this chain, you’re not going to go anywhere, just how I like it.”

Then she undid his handcuffs and walked away, leaving John alone in his new room to contemplate his new life.

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My Dominant Lady And My Slave Training (3)

A Dominatrix I Willingly Gave Control To


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