If your husband says he wants to be submissive to you, or if you want him to be submissive to you, here is a list of things you can do with him to lead him to FLR Level 4. All of this should be done lovingly and mutually, with the awareness that public embarrassment or arrest for indecent exposure could affect careers and relationships. So, have fun, but be cautious and share many kisses…
Physical Transformation of the Submissive into a Sissy
He should be shaved or preferably waxed all over his body; his pubic hair should be shaved or preferably waxed, and he should have a soft pubis to the touch.
To perfect this, it’s recommended to take him to a beauty salon for a full-body waxing by several women, possibly making him a model in a beauty school. Don’t hesitate to ask the instructors if it’s possible to apply makeup and dress him up. Clearly explain that you wish to completely feminize your beloved and turn him into a feminized sissy.
When you manage to impose this on him for the first time, have him sit on the edge of the bed, lean back, and pull his knees up. You will put your finger on his anus and penetrate his butt. Yes, you will finger him. You’ll need a rubber glove and lubricant, be it Vaseline, butter, olive oil, or whatever. He will be extremely embarrassed to present himself to you in this way; his anus is a very private part of his body, unseen and untouched by anyone. That’s why you’re doing this.

First Penetration for Your Submissive Husband
Once he’s in position and holding his cheeks apart, lubricate your middle finger and his butt, then slowly press your finger to his opening. Start slowly at the entrance. Look into his eyes as you penetrate him. Talk to him and ask him to speak to you as you experience his submission through this act of penetration. Consider what he’s allowing you to do; he’s naked, shaved or waxed, and your finger is penetrating his butt. Pull on his penis and testicles as you slide in.
Penetrate him slowly. Look directly into his eyes as you move in and out, and tell him he’s no longer a man. Make him admit that he likes it, leaving him no alternative or choice. This might be the first time you’re inside his body; enjoy the exchange of power. Thus, make him feel weak with the penetration of your finger in his butt while using crude words to enhance the effect of being dominated.
To heighten his humiliation, it’s recommended to pause the in-and-out movements in his anus, giving him a good, firm slap, punctuated with humiliating language to belittle him.
Continue slapping him until you see tears in his eyes, and even better, until he starts to cry, telling him he’s not a man and deserves such treatment.
Don’t forget to tell him that from this moment on, he must obey you in all circumstances and that you will treat him as your FLR Level 4 slave, your servant, your maid.

Total Control of His Orgasms
When you’re both at home, wear provocative, very sexy outfits. You can dress as a Dominatrix. Don’t hesitate to dress in an outrageous and scandalous manner, even vulgar. This will ignite his desire while denying him orgasm, keeping him in a state of perpetual sexual arousal. Do this at least once a day. Always ensure he doesn’t reach orgasm. Once a week, when he’s very hard, you can bring him to the brink of orgasm, either by yourself or with an intimate friend, to humiliate him. When you feel like it, you can ask him to masturbate in front of you and, upon request, in front of one or more of your friends.
When he’s about to climax, he must get used to warning you and asking for permission to ejaculate. If you deny him, he must be able to stop the rise of semen to satisfy your perverse pleasure. If he fails, you’ll need to administer a good slapping session until he cries. You can also spank him bare-handed or use a whip. For this spanking session, place him over your knees, pinning his legs down to make him feel the physical contact.
I recommend alternating between strikes and caresses between the legs, as well as caressing his testicles and penis. There should be a mix of firmness and gentleness.
Controlling orgasms is a powerful psychological aspect for a submissive man. You will also learn to enjoy your provocations and control. It’s another important exchange of power where you control a unique aspect of masculinity. This also means that unsupervised masturbation must stop, and he will not reach orgasm without your permission. Denial of orgasm is part of this provocation.

Nudity Imposed at Your Will!
Arrange moments where he is naked while you are dressed to emphasize his nudity. You can ask him to wear a leather belt around his waist and sandals or a harness, leather straps. Such items can be found in sex shops. If you have the chance to go there with him during the summer, make him try on a lot. Ensure there are people around, especially other women, to make the fitting as humiliating as possible.
Nudity should be imposed at awkward, unexpected moments, when you want, when he least expects it. Preferably, do this when you have friends over. Make him serve tea or coffee or a cool drink to you and your friends while he wears nothing but a leather belt around his waist on bare skin. He must understand that his body is at your and your friends’ disposal. His purpose in life is now to be a sexual slave, satisfying the whims of these ladies, who will not hesitate to mock him, enjoy humiliating him, insulting him, or even slapping him.
You can alternate between BDSM-style outfits like a leather belt on the naked body or leather straps and harnesses with sissy attire. Thus, make him wear a long dress with women’s panties, which you or your friends will not fail to lower! He can also wear an ultra-short dress, without panties, so his testicles and penis are visible when he bends down to serve tea. Moreover, the women present will have every opportunity to grab his private parts, either gently or firmly!

His Sex at Your Disposal!
In any case, you must make him understand that in an FLR Level 4, his sex is now at the disposal of whoever wants to play with it and in whatever way they like.
Slap him as often as possible for the slightest reason, and of course, invite your friends to do the same. If they hesitate, you must insist and convince them of the pleasure a dominant woman gets from humiliating a submissive man. He must be humiliated as often as possible. This is part of his education.
Obviously, if you want to play with his penis, it’s better to make him undress. Do this even if you’re not going to masturbate him! If he doesn’t usually sleep naked, he must do so now. In fact, whenever he’s in your bedroom, he should be naked or only wearing a leather belt around his waist. He can also wear sissy attire with an ultra-short dress, showing his sex with the slightest movement. At some point, make sure to lead him naked through every room in the house.
Occasionally, walk him through each room naked, holding him by his penis—basement, laundry room, garage—in every place he should remember your control over his body. He must understand that he belongs to you wherever he is and that he no longer has the freedom to move without your will. You can also wear an ultra-short dress without panties and make him crawl on all fours like a dog, with his tail hanging behind you.

Propose Your Submissive Husband to Strangers for Money!
Nudity outside is more problematic but should be attempted. Start outside your home late at night. Be careful to choose a night when you know your neighbors are away. Again, at night, place him in the passenger seat of your car and tell him to undress.
Choose back roads and drive slowly if you wish. You might consider making him expose his nudity to a truck driver. In this case, he must be properly feminized, completely waxed, dressed in an ultra-short mini-dress or skirt, showing his sissy balls and gay dick. He won’t want to do it, so you must impose it on him. Slap him thoroughly beforehand until he cries.
Once he has cried, drive him to a truck stop where truckers pass through. Preferably choose a stranger who’s just passing by and offer to let him fuck your FLR Level 4 submissive. You can ask for a certain amount of money. Do this openly in front of your submissive husband to humiliate him even more, ask for a specific amount for a blowjob and a higher amount for penetration. After he has undergone such treatment, he will be completely broken to your will and understand that he is decidedly no longer a man but just your slave.
Je suis fort curieuse de connaître votre interprétation des trois premiers niveaux. Déesse Jeanne me mène depuis peu sur le chemin de la sissyfication. Elle veut faire de moi la bonne à tout faire de ma reine. Je prends ce rôle très au sérieux et je commence à me percevoir comme une femelle soumise.
I don’t even know where to begin. The excitement of being total property. Such bliss in the loss of control at the hands of a powerful mistress. I cant think of a better way to live.
Well written article! It takes true courage to show vulnerability like this and it shows peak devotion. Love it!