8 Things You Should Know About BDSM relationships
People keep talking about it, porn websites are flooded with it and books like ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ is popularizing it, but how many of you actually know what BDSM is? Here, we tell you all you need to about it.
1. BDSM stands for Bondage-discipline, dominace-submission, sadism-masochism. A person can be interested in either one of these combinations or all.
2. BDSM is not abnormal. It is just a magnification of power in a relationship. Being into BDSM is as normal as being into regular sex.
3. BDSM is not always about sex. Some people prefer just body play during BDSM while others let it lead to sex.
4. Having forceful sex with someone is not BDSM. Both the partners’ consent is required in BDSM.
5. BDSM isn’t always about whips and chains and handcuffs. There are no rules. It can also be painless and just sensual. Even if a partner agrees to do whatever the other person asks him, it is considered BDSM.
6. People who are into BDSM are divided into two groups – tops and bottoms. Tops are the dominant/sadist kinds while the bottoms are usually submissive or masochist.
7. Usually partners talk about what they like and what they don’t like, what is okay with them and what is a big NO for them before getting into a BDSM act.
8. BDSM has nothing to do with being polygamous. There are monogamous BDSMers too.
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