The Lady and The Prey: A Cock-Torture Adventure

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Cock-Torture Adventure

The bar was crowded and the air was thick with smoke and conversation. Alcohol vapors lingered in the air and on breathes. Diana found it challenging to make her way through the crowd without getting a contact high or molested – accidentally or otherwise.

The man, although she preferred to think of him as “The Prey”, was sitting at the bar nursing a beer. The bar stool next to him was still empty, but Diana’s sharp eyes caught another man making a beeline for it. “Oh no you don’t,” she murmured as she hurried over and sat down. The disappointment apparent in the man’s eyes when she claimed the seat made Diana smile. ‘Too slow, loser!’ Diana thought and barely managed to keep from laughing out loud. Laughing would not serve her purpose at this point in time

She turned toward the bar and from the corner of her eye she could see that The Prey was looking at her. Ignoring him, she used her sweetest tone of voice to order a beer from the bartender. Then she glanced at The Prey and gave him a casual smile, the kind people give to acknowledge and say, “yes, you are another human being in the world and I see you.

She waited. The bait had been dangled. Would she get a bite? Moments passed. The silence between the two would make any other woman doubtful, but not Diana.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. My name is Sam,” he said to her, offering his hand.

Cock-Torture Adventure

She took it with a squeeze rather than a shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Sam. I’m Mandy.” She never gave them her real name. Sam looked like the kind of guy that would go for a Mandy. Mandy’s were sweet, sometimes sickeningly so. She hoped the saccharine act wouldn’t make her sick to her stomach.

“So Mandy, what brings you around to these parts? Did you just move into the neighborhood?” he asked.


“I’m actually staying in a hotel nearby at the moment,” Diana told him. This part was the truth. She never took them back to her actual house. It was either his place or a hotel. She enjoyed crushing a man somewhere new. Bonus points if she brought him to his knees at his own piece of shit abode. The last thing she needed were any of these guys showing up at her home uninvited, perhaps looking for another ball busting session of cock torture.

“Well, that is a shame,” the Prey offered. “In fact, it sounds downright lonely.” She was happy, but unsurprised, that he was starting to take the bait she was dangling.

“Yeah, I have to admit it gets a bit lonely,” Diana told him. “But what is a girl from out of town to do?” She made a mental note to not wear the Mandy mask for a while after tonight. Next thing she knew, she’d be batting her eyelashes at him. The thought made her throw up in her mouth just a little. She ran a hand through her blonde hair and smiled at the Prey in a way she hoped appeared unassuming.

Cock-Torture Adventure

“Well, I would suggest you get a companion for the evening, but I assume you aren’t that kind of girl,” the Prey said in a tone that clearly showed he hoped she was. This kind of bullshit game guys tried to run on her always tickled her. They never picked up on the fact that they were the ones getting played. She ate up every bit of their stupidity.

Diana beamed a smile, dazzling him. “You would think that I wasn’t that kind of girl,” she said flirtatiously, “but then, you’d be wrong.” She leaned closer in a rather conspiratorial way. “I can be quite naughty when I want to be,” she told him, speaking right into his ear in a low, sexy tone.

“Mmm, tell me more, you bad girl,” the Prey chuckled, leaning closer. “I am a great companion for bad girls!”

“Oh really? Well, you know, I might be too much for you to handle,” Diana said, reeling the Prey in more and more with her tempting words – daring him closer.

“Oh baby, I’m a strong man,” the Prey reassured her with a chuckle. “I can handle anything you can dish out.”

“Well, maybe you should walk me back to my hotel room, you know, for protection and all.” Diana tossed her golden hair and smiled her best Mandy smile at him.

He got up quickly, downed the rest of his beer and didn’t even bother to see if she wanted to finish hers. His eagerness was incredibly pathetic. It hung on him like a stench. This was the end of thing Diana could smell for miles. She smirked, amused by how spot on she can be picking out these worthless guys. “Let’s get you to your room safe and sound, Mandy.” Sometimes this was just too easy.

After a short walk filled with small talk and sexual innuendo, Diana let them into her hotel room and said, “why don’t you make yourself at home while I go slip into something more comfortable.” She smiled and watched the Prey’s eyes glaze over with desire and disbelief. It was obvious that this guy wasn’t getting too many gorgeous women picking him up like this, he must have thought he won the jackpot with this.

When she came back out of the bathroom, Sam was waiting for her on the bed and his eyes bugged out when he saw her. She wore a leather bra and panties underneath a filmy white teddy and she watched his eyes linger on her long, sexy legs. “Wow, when you get comfortable, you really know what you’re doing!” he mumbled appreciatively.

“What was that?” Diana asked, not impressed with his booze impaired speech. “Whatever. What we need is to make you more comfortable too,” she smiled and said in silky tones. “I want you to strip while I watch.”

Eagerly, the Prey jumped up and started throwing his clothes off. “Underwear too?”, he asked.

“Of course.” Diana smiled. “Let me get a good look at all of you. I want to inspect what I’m working with.”

He wasn’t entirely sure how to take what she said but he took everything off. Diana was pleased to see that he was already quite erect and large enough to easily get her hands on. Her favorite part of the evening was coming up: cock torture and ball abuse. She wondered how hard she could yank on that thing before it registered any pain. She was anxious to find out!

Cock-Torture Adventure

“Not bad,” she told him. This was rare praise coming from her. “Lay down, arms and legs out. I want to tie you up.”

The Prey looked a little nervous at this, but he laid down anyway and stretched his arms and legs out to the four corners of the bed. “What do you have in mind?” he asked her apprehensively.

“Ohh, just a little fun,” she told him. “Unless, of course, you’re going to chicken out on me already,” Diana added, allowing disappointment to color her voice.

“Oh no, honey,” he spoke with bravado. “Whatever you can dish out, I can take it!”

Without saying another word she fastened his wrists and ankles with the leather straps she had attached to the corners of the bed earlier. When she was finished, she told him, “Now you’re completely vulnerable to me.”

He smiled nervously and said, “Is it too late to request that you be gentle?” he asked.

“Oh yes, MUCH too late,” Diana laughed. “Besides, I don’t DO gentle.”

Diana ran her hands over his prone body. She appreciated his well-built chest and legs. He was muscular and strong but lean – well shaped but not a body builder. She slid her hands lower and he closed his eyes and sighed. She brushed her hand against his erect cock and he moaned. He was just about ready.

She curled one hand around his dick and gave it a nice squeeze and he moaned even louder. Then, without warning, she gave his cock a hard yank!


“What the hell?” the Prey exclaimed. His eyes were wide open now, as if that one tug sobered him up a bit.

“I’m just having a good time,” Diana told him, smiling.

“Well ease up a little, will ya?” the Prey dared to ask.

“I don’t do easy,” Diana told him. And she yanked his cock even harder and flicked his balls for good measure.

“What the fuck!” he yelled this time. “Why the hell would you do that, Mandy?”


Diana knew she’d beat him into submission. She yanked and pulled again and again, showing him a good measure of ball abuse along the way, and gradually he not only submitted to her cock torture but he finally started to act like he was enjoying it. At one point he seemed like he might even cum, but she squeezed his cock so hard that it stopped that from happening. She wasn’t interested in letting him have release.

But soon she needed to have hers. There was only so much cock torture a girl could inflict before her pussy was a throbbing, sopping mess. She climbed on top of him, straddling him and covering his face with her soaked, leather-covered snatch, and ordered him, “Lick me, little man! Lick me and do it good and maybe I’ll let you do more!”

The leather was so wet and tight that she could feel his tongue through it licking furiously against her clit. She pulled and stretched his cock and smacked his balls as her pleasure grew and then the pressure building up inside of her erupted and she ground her pussy against his mouth while she came, spurting pussy juice all over his face and neck.

Diana rested for a moment before climbing off him. He’d been a good time. He had even begun to enjoy the pain she put him through with her special brand of cock torture. Too bad it was over now. She unfastened one leather strap from one of his wrists.

“I’m going in to take a bath now and I’m locking the door behind me. Set yourself free, get dressed, help yourself to the in-room bar, and then get the fuck out. I don’t want you to be here by the time I’m done.” She stripped off the soaking wet leather panties and tossed them onto his chest. “You can keep those as a prize,” she told him.

And without another word, she turned her back on the Prey, went into the bathroom, and shut the door behind her. Just another night on the hunt, just another loser used up.

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