Saturday 26th October
Saturdays are always special in that Mistress-Wife is off-work. Elina’s priority on Saturdays are to please Mistress-Wife. Goddess B now understands what elina is up to, She undoubtedly recognizes the same pattern in elina now as before elina slowly and gradually introduced Her to the Female Superiority thinking of Mistress Sutton. Elina is desperate to move forward faster, but is held back by elina’s fear that pushing to hard to fast will make Mistress-Wife reject the whole idea.
Goddes B is a wonderful, loving, caring Lady. Elina loves Her dearly. Elina wonders if Mistress Wife’s stated reason 15 years ago that the lifestyle would be incompatible with raising the kids was the whole truth, or just a convenient and nice way of rejecting Elina’s desires. Maybe the mistake elina made last time was to push to eagerly and fail to allow Mistress Wife to move forward in Her own pace. Clearly this is why Mistress Empress is holding elina back, yet at the same time pushing elina to become deeper and deeper invested in servitude. It is not for elina to push Mistress Wife into anything, it is for elina to submit, worship and obey.
Today elina was privileged to be allowed to provide a loving wake up service for Mistress Wife in the morning. Elina, nude slipped under Mistress cover in a spooning position, gently caressing all parts of Mistress body it can reach. Mistress Wife enjoyed this very much and elina is so happy doing this. The sissy-clitty of elina is currently not locked up for reasons beyond elina’s control and grew very stiff. Mistress Wife just completely ignored this. Elina once professes its love of Goddess and tells Her that elina wish to become Her slave. Mistress Wife appears to enjoy this. And She clearly enjoys the experience of seeing elina taking over more and more of the domestic tasks in the home, increasingly telling elina what to do and increasingly pointing out where elina has not done things properly. Today, Mistress Wife eventually expressed that She could stay like that forever, but had booked at a gym and told elina to get up…
The rest of the day elina mostly performed tasks Mistress by now expects elina to take care of while thinking about how elina may be instructed to appear for Mistress Wife’s inspections in the not so distant future.