32 Totally Not Weird Non-Sexual Fetishes You Might Have

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32 Totally Not Weird Non-Sexual Fetishes You Might Have

Not all fetishes are sexual. Sometimes you just really love something inanimate, intangible, or non-human…Here are some Sexual Fetishes that are not always sexual in nature.

Fetish, n. Something irrationally reverenced.

  1. Astrophile;

Sexual Fetishes

2. Cynophile;

Sexual Fetishes

3. Ailurophile

Sexual Fetishes

4. Clinophile

Sexual Fetishes

5. Dendrophile;

Sexual Fetishes

6. Thalassophile;

Sexual Fetishes

7. Photophile;

Sexual Fetishes

8. Hippophile;

Sexual Fetishes

9. Limnophile;

Sexual Fetishes

10. Logophile;

Sexual Fetishes

11. Chionophile;

Sexual Fetishes

12. Nyctophile;

Sexual Fetishes

13. Selenophile;

Sexual Fetishes

14. Pluviophile;

Sexual Fetishes

15. Autophile;

Sexual Fetishes

16. Ceraunophile;

Sexual Fetishes

17. Pogonophile;

Sexual Fetishes

18. Stigmatophile;

Sexual Fetishes

19. Discophile;

Sexual Fetishes

20. Bibliophile;

Sexual Fetishes

21. Turophile;

Sexual Fetishes

22. Pistoriophile;

Sexual Fetishes

23. Coimetrophile;

Sexual Fetishes

24. Retrophile;

Sexual Fetishes

25. Xanthophile;

Sexual Fetishes

26. Cinephile;

Sexual Fetishes

27. Stegophile;

Sexual Fetishes

28. Amychophile;

Sexual Fetishes

29. Dinophile;

Sexual Fetishes

30. Londonphile;

Sexual Fetishes

31. Potterphile;

Sexual Fetishes

32. Sinstrophile;

Sexual Fetishes


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